Chapter 1055 Fundraising
He hugged Gu Youyou tightly in his arms, and said: "I can't let you suffer, I'll ask the court to buy your potatoes with money."

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "I can't suffer, I'm still waiting to sell their colored glaze."

Speaking of which, it has indeed cost a lot of money to open a dim sum shop, expand its business, and buy potatoes recently. She should find a way to get some.

"Don't worry about me, I have a way to get money. Of course, I'm not a philanthropist, these potatoes have to be bought by the court with money."


Gu Youyou's board of directors was arranged in a restaurant not far from Jishengtang. This day, she booked the venue on the second floor and arranged the huge room as a meeting room.

She invited not only the big shopkeepers of various branches, but also some big businessmen who had the intention of cooperation.

Of course, the first meeting was held at my own home, and only after the negotiation with my own people was finished, did I talk to the business partners.So the merchants will come later, they are arranged in the afternoon session.

Gu Youyou shared her thoughts with everyone, and then showed everyone the plan she had made.

These shopkeepers are all people who have made a fortune following Gu Youyou. Gu Youyou's position in their hearts is unshakable, so naturally there is no voice of opposition.

If Gu Youyou can lead them to make more money, a fool would not be willing.

"Doctor Gu, do what you say, we will listen to you."

"Well, since this is the case, all shopkeepers know what they should do?"

"I'll wait to understand!"

In the future, Gu Youyou will personally preside over the overall situation, and will not always let a maid come and go. Everyone is very happy about this.

Looking back at Yoyo with new eyes, I was as excited as meeting my idol.

Some people were so startled that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear, but everyone was proud to see Gu Youyou in person.

Gu Youyou asked everyone to be quiet, and said: "There is one more thing to tell everyone. In addition to opening a dim sum shop first, we will also expand our business."

Everyone calmed down and listened carefully to Gu Youyou's words.

Gu Youyou said: "Before we did our best to rescue the disaster and made great contributions. Yesterday, the emperor wanted to reward me. The reward that the eldest prince asked the emperor on my behalf is to let go of the craftsmanship of firing colored glaze and allow us to make it ourselves."

Hearing this, everyone looked a little embarrassed.

Someone said: "The craftsmanship of making colored glaze is in the hands of royal artists. Of course, Dr. Gu is the daughter-in-law of the royal family. Since the emperor agrees, he will naturally pass this technology to Dr. Gu, but the old man heard that It is very difficult to make this colored glaze, and the cost is too high. We are going to expand our business recently, I am afraid that there is not enough money!"

"Yes, Doctor Gu, although I support your idea, money is a big deal. We spent a lot of money on disaster relief before, and now we want to open a dim sum shop. Money is a big problem."

Gu Youyou smiled slightly and said: "Don't worry about the silver, because I don't plan to do the job of firing colored glaze alone, but to find merchants who have silver to do it together. I think, just the word colored glaze, you can Many merchants with silver are interested..."

"This..." Everyone's expressions became even weirder, "This kind of skill has been leaked, how can we make money?"

Some people disagree.

They feel that everyone has less money now, but as long as they survive these few months, when I take it back from the dim sum shop, they can do it on their own. How can they let outsiders get a share of the action?
(End of this chapter)

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