Chapter 1056 You go to Xining

Therefore, Gu Youyou had no choice but to explain: "My method of firing colored glaze is not passed down in the palace, but my own method. In fact, firing colored glaze is not difficult, and the cost is also very low, but everyone does not know the method.

What I make is not a high-end product that is rare and expensive, but an ordinary product that can be used by ordinary people, so it requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and it needs to be produced in large quantities.

However, because my method of firing is low cost and the process is simple, it’s boring to hold on to it by yourself, so it’s better to be generous and ask everyone to contribute money for financing, so everyone can do it together and make money together..."

Gu Youyou still convinced everyone. She has the absolute right to speak. In fact, speaking to them is just to say hello to them. It is completely out of respect for everyone. She can also contact them without saying a word. Merchants started the business of firing colored glaze together.

"This is the end of today's meeting, Miss Du, please stay."

An ancient business group has been modernized by Gu Youyou.

Everyone sits together and talks about things, not as in the traditional way, only the biggest owner can sit, and the other shopkeepers stand and listen, and their right to speak is also very limited.Gu Youyou's actions made everyone feel respected and valued. They didn't seem to be the most humble businessmen.

You know, in this era, the status of a businessman is very low, and another identity of Gu Youyou is the eldest princess.


The shopkeepers left after lunch in the restaurant, Gu Youyou and Miss Du were waiting in the restaurant.

There was still half an hour before the appointed time, Miss Du couldn't help asking: "You seem to be short of money, what's the matter?"

Miss Du's observation skills are also amazing. Gu Youyou didn't intend to hide it from her, so she lowered her voice and said, "I'll let you in on some inside information. There might be a war."

"War?" Miss Du was extremely surprised, "Who are you fighting with?"

Gu Youyou said: "When I came back from the disaster area, I encountered an accident. I was caught by the remnants of the Three Kings and sent to Xining." She paused for a while and then said: "A few days ago, the emperor recruited the Fifth Prince to enter the capital. I took the opportunity to kill him, but he ran away."

Miss Du nodded and said: "I also know about this, it has spread. If you can escape like this, the Fifth Prince is really amazing!"

Gu Youyou said: "It's not that he's powerful, it's that I'm in Xining, in their hands, Zijin robbed the prison and replaced me, the emperor also knows about this!"

Miss Du looked at Gu Youyou in surprise, since the emperor knows about such a thing, can he agree?
Or is it that the eldest prince decided on his own.

"In short, the imperial court and the fifth prince are already on fire. In the past, they fought in secret and did not tear their skins. Now they have torn their skins and put them on the bright side. Therefore, this battle must be fought.

Now that the troops and horses from all directions are ready, I am afraid that they will attack Xining soon.What is fought in wars is money, and the military pay of the imperial court comes from ordinary people, but this year is different, the amount of military pay that can be collected will be greatly reduced when the common people suffer from disasters, and it is estimated that they can only be searched from merchants in the end.As our business grows, we naturally have to do our part. "

Miss Du looked serious and said, "Then our branch in Xining is going to close?"

Gu Youyou said: "You don't need to close it. You can't go to the store in the war. It's just that you have to take the time to go to Xining in person, transfer the funds back, and leave only a small part for the operation. From now on, Xining's account will be paid every month. One knot, send money back regularly."

(End of this chapter)

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