It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1057 I am now a businessman

Chapter 1057 I am a businessman now

Gu Youyou glanced at the hourglass in the corner, probably all the bosses are coming soon.

She got up, opened the door of the suitcase, and said to Miss Du in a low voice: "This battle will not be fought so quickly. It will take nearly a month for the Lingnan army to march to Xining. You are the nearest Let’s go there at the right time, and when the fight starts, don’t go there.”

There is the Silk Road leading to Xining, and there are a lot of merchants along the way, but when the time comes to fight, even the merchants will not dare to leave.

Miss Du nodded lightly and said, "It happens that there are few things recently, so I will go as soon as I make arrangements."

Miss Du does business with Gu Youyou, and it's not limited to the business of Manxiulou.This time, she invested [-]% of the money in the dim sum shop.In addition, there are many shops under her name, many of which are also owned by her.

All the big bosses from the capital city and Manxiu City came, Boss Zhang from Cloth Shop, Boss Li who specializes in restaurants, and Boss Hu who wants to do jade business.

Especially Boss Hu, he had earlier received a glass bowl mortgaged by a down-and-out imperial official, and he had a soft spot for glass, but as a businessman, he couldn't get such a thing, so Has been suffering from heart disease.

Now that Gu Youyou actually said that he could cooperate with them to make colored glaze, they were naturally willing to do so.

A tribute from the palace, who wouldn't want it?

Good or bad, it's a matter of face.

"Bosses, please sit inside."

In a spacious room, instead of a traditional round dining table, there is a long table.

There are stools of the same kind of wood in front of the table, and on the corresponding table, there are some special snacks, which are so exquisitely made that people can't bear to eat them.But the smell of milk is so disturbing to the heart.

In the middle of the table, there are beautifully made flowers.It is not fresh, and it is difficult to find such flowers in this season, but it is made of silk, which is more beautiful than that.

The shopkeepers under Gu Youyou were no strangers, so they didn't think there was anything wrong. However, it was the first time for these bosses to cooperate with Gu Youyou, and it was the first time they saw these weird things, which immediately aroused their attention. curiosity.

Boss Hu said a little excitedly: "How are these flowers made? Are they the same as the real thing?" He mainly sells jade wares, but it's not limited to jade wares.He sells beautiful gold and silver ornaments and some beautiful handicrafts. He thinks a potted flower like this is comparable to a good handicraft.

And it was the first time for everyone to see such a flower. As a discerning businessman, he felt that this was a business opportunity.

Gu Youyou said with a faint smile: "If Boss Hu likes it, I'll send a pot to your house tomorrow."

Boss Hu was overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Elder Imperial Concubine, I would like to thank the grassroots first."

Gu Youyou said: "Boss Hu is polite. I am here today as a businessman. We are here for business. You can call me Boss Gu."

Boss Gu brought everyone closer together, and everyone immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

However, the status of a businessman in this world is the lowest, and Gu Youyou's status as a royal is the most noble, so everyone is a little embarrassed to call it out.

Boss Chen said: "Aren't the grassroots disrespectful to the eldest princess?"

Gu Youyou said: "Youyou is a doctor first, a businessman, and then a concubine. I married into the royal family as a doctor and businessman. There is no respect or disrespect. Everyone is a straightforward person, so why stick to small details?"

(End of this chapter)

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