Chapter 1068 Entering the Village
It would be a lot less fun not to kiss the delicate and charming little mouth, so the head of the Yu family endured the heat of his body and asked her in a low voice: "Beauty, I will take out the cloth from your mouth, you are not allowed to bite your own tongue, Can you not?"

With the last sliver of reason, Miss Du nodded slightly.

Yu Dangjia was overjoyed, and approached Miss Du with his naked upper body.

Seeing the ugly scars all over her body, Miss Du almost vomited. She made up her mind to seek death, and she would never let this disgusting bandit defile her.

When he laughed, the ugly scar on Yu Dangjia's face became even more ferocious and disgusting. He approached Miss Du, looked down at her, and stretched out his hand to him.

Suddenly, a terrified scream outside made his half-stretched hand shrink back in shock.

"What's going on? What's going on outside?" Headed Yu yelled out the door.

After a while, a voice from outside replied: "The head of the house, someone sneaked up! They are all ruthless characters."

Master Yu was stunned for a moment, then his face was full of fierceness, and he said angrily: "Damn it, who dares to cause trouble on my happy day?"

While cursing, he put back the clothes he had taken off.

Miss Du was sweating all over, and she was relieved to see that disgusting man leave.

But there was a lot of medicine in the bowl of soup that was forcibly poured, which made her body very hot.

She knew that she had been drugged, but her consciousness was gradually collapsing.

Her body was getting weaker and weaker, and she urgently needed a cold body to cool her down.

At the same time, she also understood what that meant.

She is the daughter of the Du family, and the education she has received since she was a child is how to be a lady of the family.She memorized the Four Books for Women fluently. Before coming to Xining, the farthest place she had been to was Manxiu City.No matter whether she was studying in the capital city or Manxiu City, no one would dare to do anything to her due to her reputation as Miss Du.So she never thought that she would have today.

The thought engraved in her bones since she was a child made her unable to bear the humiliation she experienced. The moment she opened her eyes again was the time for her to commit suicide.


The tranquility of the simple village was broken, and people's laughter turned into screams of terror.

Children's, old women's, and blood sprayed on the red lantern in front of the door, it looked extremely terrifying.

The sudden attack by the soldiers caught the bandits by surprise. Tonight is their happy day in charge of the family. Everyone ate meat and drank heavily. Most of the drinkers were middle-aged men who had become bandits. Most of them drank unconsciously , so this fight was simply a unilateral slaughter.

The young man's eyes were red. He was holding a long sword, his eyes were scarlet and bloodthirsty.

The disheveled bandit leader came out with a big knife in his hand. He was terrified when he saw his companions howling all over the ground, and asked loudly: "Which mountain are you from? Today is my big day for someone. You guys just sit down and have a drink together." Xijiu, why do you want to kill so much?"

Next to him, a bandit whose arm had been machete climbed onto the head of the family, and said: "The head of the family, the clothes they wear look like ordinary businessmen, but these people..."


Head Yu immediately thought of the bride who was captured today.

Could it be that she caused it?
At this time, the voice of a woman crying reached their ears.

(End of this chapter)

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