Chapter 1069
Someone rescued Cui Ya who was locked in the firewood room. Cui Ya stumbled and ran to the young man, crying, "Second Young Master, save my young lady quickly, my young lady is in this room."

Being a bandit has always been about doing one thing at a time. Now that he has reached this point, if he still doesn't understand, then he is a fool.

Yu Dangjia's face was terrified, how could he care about other things?Immediately, holding a big knife, he slashed at Xie Zhonglin.

Xie Zhonglin didn't need to do anything, several soldiers surrounded the head of the house, and Xie Zhonglin kicked open the room with the word "Happy" on it.

Under the light of the red candle, the woman let out a painful sound from her throat. She kept twisting her limbs, but her hands and feet were tied up with red cloth, and her white wrists were already covered with bruises. Can't break free.

Cuiya rushed over crying bitterly, but Xie Zhonglin seemed to be frozen for a while, unable to move half a step.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Cui Ya pulled out the white cloth from her mouth while suffering.

Miss Du was already out of her mind, and the sounds that came out of her mouth were moans of pain.

However, that kind of groan was passed into the man's ear, and a subtle chemical effect occurred. Xie Zhonglin wriggled his Adam's apple and made a hoarse voice.

"Cuiya, go find some warm water."

Cuiya, who is usually flexible in her hands and feet, is sadly unable to untie the rope on Miss Du's wrist at this moment. On the contrary, the more anxious she is, the tighter the rope is tied.At this time, after hearing Xie Zhonglin's order, she stumbled outside to find water.

The bandits who dared to resist have become the souls of the soldiers. The old and weak women and children were locked in a big house, and now there are several soldiers guarding it.

Xie Zhonglin took a deep breath, walked towards the bed with red curtains, looked at the person on the bed, his heart was distressed and angry.

Then this bandit dared to treat her like this?
I haven't seen her for a long time. She seems to have gained weight than before, but she is still thinner than ordinary people.

After hesitating for a moment, he still sat on the edge of the bed and took her hand.There was a red rope tied around her wrist, and the other end was tied to a post by the bed.

The red rope had drawn bloodstains on her wrist, Xie Zhonglin took out his sword, and with a single stroke of the sword, opened the rope that was currently tied to Miss Du's hands and feet.

Soldiers outside deal with the bandit leader, then enter this room.

At this moment, Miss Du, who had no restraint on her hands and feet, suddenly got up and hugged Zhong Lin.

Xie Zhonglin's whole body froze, and his hot and soft body fell into his arms. He suddenly felt the hot blood rushing from bottom to top to the top of the Tianling Cap, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet for a while.

The first few soldiers who entered the house were stained with blood and held murderous weapons in their hands. They were also shocked when they saw this scene.

They are all people who have been by Xie Zhonglin's side all the time. They also know that Xie Zhonglin is Xie Zhongsen's younger brother. Xie Zhongsen's prestige in the Dongzhou Army is second only to General Che, but he has never opened up to his younger brother. After passing the green light, special care will be given instead.

Put him on the hardest errands, give him the hardest devil training, put him in the most dangerous operations.

For example, this time they selected a team that is not afraid of life and death to disguise themselves as businessmen and go to Xining to inquire about the situation. Xie Zhonglin is the first one to bear the brunt.

But even the soldier who has been with him the longest has never seen him so tender.

They thought he was a madman who only knew how to work hard, and he would never love his children in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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