Chapter 1071 Hate More

During the years she endured, what he gave her was nothing but harm.

"Don't push me away..." She begged him again in a low voice.

Xie Zhonglin hugged her backhand so that she would not lose her strength and fall.

He leaned against her ear and said in a hoarse voice: "I treat you so badly, and you hate me so much. When you wake up, I'm afraid you will hate me even more."

The woman in her arms didn't answer her, maybe she couldn't hear what he was saying at all, she only knew that her body was abnormally empty and needed him.

After a while, he heard her bite his chest hard.

Xie Zhonglin snorted, his chest was hot and humid, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and there was blood on his hand.

She still bit her mouth firmly and did not let go, making no sound, as if she was crying.

Xie Zhonglin, Xie Zhonglin, she loves him as much as she is cruel to him.As much as she wanted him, she wanted to bite him to death.

Such love and hatred, only swallowing him in her stomach can relieve the pain in her heart.

Gradually, Xie Zhonglin's troubles of pain stopped, and she let her vent on him.

It turned out that she hated him so much, it would be great if this bite was on the neck, what he owed her may only be solved by death.

Her body was getting hotter and hotter, and it seemed that she couldn't find any other breakthrough except for biting him constantly.

But that's all, just drinking the dove to quench her thirst, it can't cure the poison that is getting worse on her body.

He has never really had her in this life, if this mission fails, he will only regret it for the rest of his life.

He said: "No matter how much you hate me, I will never pay you back in this life. Why don't you ask me for everything I owe you in the next life."


The queen wholeheartedly wanted to marry more concubines for Jin Zijin. First, she could take advantage of this opportunity to put eyeliner in Jin Zijin's mansion, and second, she could create trouble for Gu Youyou.

Today's Gu Youyou can be said to be extremely beautiful. She originally wanted to use her background to talk about things, but she didn't want to. She is now more and more famous. She is a genius doctor, an outstanding businessman, an inventor of colored glaze, and the creator of a new type of special medicine. inventor.

In the shop she opened, the words on the signboard were all written by herself, so her handwriting, which was comparable to a master's level, became her advantage.

With so many auras, who would care about her once ordinary background?
She is a phoenix, whether it is a phoenix flying from a plane tree or a phoenix flying out of a chicken coop, nothing can change the essence of her being a phoenix.

(End of this chapter)

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