It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1072 Find a few people to block

Chapter 1072 Find a few people to block
Even if someone would use her background as an issue, it would mean that the eldest prince has a good eye, so he picked Gu Youyou out of so many people.

Such words are to praise her, not to belittle her.

This made the queen very unhappy.

If he had known that Gu Youyou was so capable, he should have given her to his son earlier.

A bad background will at least make his son very prestigious in the eyes of ordinary people.

So since Gu Youyou has already married into the First Prince's Mansion, she can only become her enemy.

Adding a few more people to Jin Zijin's house to add to her obstacles is a good choice when you have nothing to do.

According to her many years of experience, no matter how elegant and noble a woman is, once she becomes jealous with her husband's women, she will become a shrew.

"Have all the young ladies arrived?" The queen had a dignified smile on her lips, like a kind elder.

"Empress, all the young ladies are waiting in the Jiaotai Palace."

"Oh? Then you go and tell them that I will be there in a while."

Exactly one month after the eldest prince's wedding, they were all out to provide disaster relief, so this matter was delayed. Unexpectedly, once it was delayed, it was delayed for several months.

And the maids she arranged for the First Prince's Mansion could not serve the master in close proximity, so even though there were a lot of them, because of their status, they might not be able to enter the inner court, and they couldn't get any reliable ones. information.

This Gu Youyou, I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, the few big maids she appointed were also high-level figures in the mansion, but she forced them to arrange them in the outer courtyard.

What's the use of that?

So we have to rely on some smart women.

In the Jiaotai Palace, the empress arrived late.

Seeing the Empress Empress coming, the young ladies in delicacy stopped talking and got up to greet.

"Meet the empress!"

Outside, the empress is a very kind person, easy to get along with.

She smiled and said to everyone: "Excuse me, ladies, please sit down."

Everyone thought: It is rumored that the empress is kind-hearted, peaceful, and has no airs, it seems to be true.

"What were you guys talking about just now? Can you tell me about it?" The Queen smiled.

A lady in green clothes said with some embarrassment: "We are talking about the eldest prince, what kind of woman does he like?"

"Oh, is that so?" The Queen smiled and said, "Miss Ji is so young and beautiful like a flower, any man would like it!"

That Miss Ji in the green dress blushed when the queen said it, and she was too ashamed to make a sound.

Another lady said with a bit of worry: "I heard that the eldest prince is very kind to Dr. Gu. Presumably he likes women like Dr. Gu. But we are all raised in boudoirs on weekdays. Knowing the art of Qi and Huang, and not knowing how to open a shop to make money, will the First Prince like it?"

The queen was still smiling, but said: "It's right to be kind to her. Don't forget, she won the first service in the disaster area not long ago. If you want to treat him badly, can the emperor agree? The emperor agreed, ministers , The common people also do not agree.

So, some things are made for people to see on the bright side, ladies just need to tell me if you are willing or not?If you are willing, then this Palace will make the decision to let you stay in the First Prince's Mansion. You just need to serve the First Prince well. Can those things of face last for a lifetime? "

Hearing what the queen said, everyone thought it was reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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