Chapter 1073 Lost
Now there is only one woman, Gu Youyou, in the First Prince's mansion. That woman only cares about making money all day long. I heard that she has recently opened a lot of shops, such as dessert shops, glazed shops. She only cares about making money. How can she take good care of the First Prince?
At this time, it happened to be a great opportunity to please the First Prince.

Thinking of this, everyone was moved.

The queen saw it in her eyes and knew it in her heart.

These girls are eager to go.

Seeing that it was almost done, the queen's face darkened, and said: "Go, I can help you in. But a woman's life is not only about men, but also about children, your family.

In order to have security for the rest of my life, I must have a child, a boy.In order to allow your family to respect yourself, you must win the favor of your husband.

The men of Jin's royal family value profit, this is an opportunity for you.Because your natal family is much stronger than that imperial concubine Gu Youyou, so giving birth to a child before Gu Youyou is the foundation of your foothold in the eldest prince's mansion.

You are all excellent daughters in your family. Your parents have given you the best upbringing and status. You must not let them down, understand? "

After being hit by the queen's righteous words, everyone looked solemn again.

That's right, they are all daughters from big families, how can they not know the way of survival in a deep house?

A moment later, when the young ladies who were chatting and laughing with me looked at each other again, their eyes were full of hostility.

Their enemy is not only Gu Youyou, but also everyone sitting here.


When Miss Du woke up, she was already in the carriage. Because of the drug, her brain was still in a fragmented state, but her body was weak, top-heavy, and her hands and feet hurt badly.

I vaguely remember that she was forced into a bowl of soup by the women last night, and then her body became abnormal, and then she was tied to that big bed, and then, that disgusting bandit came, Lifted her hijab.

Thinking of this, she felt a thump in her heart, and suddenly sat up from the carriage, and grabbed Cui Ya who was sitting in the corner with red eyes and lost her mind.

"Cui Ya, what's wrong with me?"

Seeing her young lady waking up, Cuiya was both surprised and delighted, and hurriedly said: "Miss, you have woken up, you scared Cuiya to death."

Miss Du was so anxious that she hurriedly said, "What's wrong with me? Did I... Did I..."

Miss Du couldn't continue, she opened her neckline.

The large bruises on the snow-white skin are the traces left after the love.

Miss Du suddenly groaned, her face was ashen.

Was he ruined by that disgusting man?
"Miss, what's wrong with you?"

Miss Du's life-and-death loveliness frightened Cuiya quite a bit, and seeing her look, she already knew it.

It's just that she and Miss Du thought differently. Miss Du thought she was violated by that disgusting scarred face, while Cuiya knew that she was violated by Xie Zhonglin who suddenly appeared.

Cui Ya was sobbing, her nose was flushed.

She grabbed Miss Du's arm, and cried angrily: "Miss, don't let it go, that heartless man is sorry for you and bullied you while others were in danger, but it's not shameful." , without damaging your reputation.

After all, he is your ex-husband, no one knows that you have never been husband and wife before.It wasn't there at that time, but it was added last night.Losing yourself to him is not a bad reputation, miss, you should just think like Cuiya said, don't be overthinking it. "

(End of this chapter)

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