Chapter 1074
A woman's reputation is very important, and Cuiya saw Miss Du's unloved appearance, and she was afraid that she would be overwhelmed and commit suicide.

Cuiya gritted her teeth with hatred for Xie Zhonglin who killed a thousand swords.

When they were still at Xie's house before, she, Cuiya, hoped day and night that her uncle would come to stay in the lady's yard for a night, but he never came at that time, so what is it now?
Those who kill a thousand swords will not die well.

Cui Ya hadn't closed her eyes since last night, she didn't know how many times she scolded Xie Zhonglin in her heart.

Miss Du was dumbfounded, ex-husband?What ex-husband?
The carriage drove into the post station, Xie Zhonglin stopped the caravan at the post station to rest, and asked people to go to the inn for supplies.

The carriage stopped, and a familiar voice sounded outside, which pulled Miss Du's soul back.

"Xin Tong, we will rest here for a while, do you want to come down?"

Just now he had heard Cui Ya's voice. Although the voice was not loud, he couldn't hear what they were saying clearly, but it was certain that Miss Du had woken up.

It's time for her to wake up too.

Thinking of the madness of last night, he was both surprised and happy, as well as afraid and frightened.

It seems... there is still some expectation.

If Xin Tong accepts him, the bad feelings between them will be let go, and they will definitely start over.

Then why is he still in the army? He wants to go back to the capital with her, and go to the official department to find another job.

But... It's also possible that she hated him even more. In her heart, he might not even be as good as a stranger, he would be like an enemy.

If this is the result, he will be happy, as long as it is given by her, he will be happy.

Such a result, then he, Xie Zhonglin, has no destiny with her in this life, he will respect her, if it is really not possible, at worst, he will die as an apology.

Living a terrible life in this life, and apologizing for death is also a relief.

Sitting in the carriage, Miss Du raised her hand, then retracted it.

It's him, it's him?
How could it be him?What a coincidence, why is he here?

Du Xintong's mind was full of questions, and he wanted to ask, but he didn't know where to start.

Can she pretend that nothing happened last night?Of course it can't.

The two of them are already strangers, and her feelings for him have faded away, so why are they involved in such entanglements.

Miss Du bit her lip tightly and shook her head at Cui Ya.

Cuiya understood, hoarsely shouted at Xie Zhonglin outside: "Don't go down!"

The young lady became what she is now, all because of the murderer, since he saved them, then the debt he owed the young lady was evened out, and she, Cuiya, would not lose a good face when she saw Xie Zhonglin again.

In the future, maybe we can still be friends.

But this insidious villain actually did the same thing as that bandit, taking away the innocence of her young lady.

What if the lady can't think about it?
Xie Zhonglin did not hear Miss Du's voice as he wished, but when he heard Cuiya's angry voice, he could only smile wryly and walked towards the nearby inn.

He's out of wine, maybe he should fill some at the inn.

The soldiers talked a lot.

"What's the matter, General? Who was the girl last night?"

"Who knows? Whoever she used to be, she's the general's woman now."

"That's true, but the general doesn't seem very happy. Could it be that beautiful girl is still angry?"

"You must be angry. People don't know that we are merchants disguised as soldiers. Maybe they think we are merchants disguised as bandits. To that girl, she was just snatched by one bandit from another bandit." .”

(End of this chapter)

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