Chapter 1075 She's gone

"Oh, what a pity!"

In the carriage, Cui Ya was whispering what happened last night to Miss Du.

"I was released from the woodshed by them. At first, I thought they were ordinary businessmen from their attire. These bandits have hijacked businessmen for a long time, and it is normal to have enemies with businessmen. But then I saw an acquaintance, that is After explaining the second young master, I realized that they might not be ordinary businessmen."

She lowered her voice and said, "I remember that after Second Young Master Xie didn't have Manxiulou without us, he went to the East China Sea to find out about the First Young Master, and joined the army. Their killing spirit is not like ordinary businessmen, so... ..."

"Get to the point." Miss Du was impatient to listen, and interrupted her loudly.

Cui Ya said with red eyes: "Miss, I went into the room where you were with the second young master later, and saw you tied up on the bed, and the posture was really embarrassing. I will untie the rope for you, but those The bandit didn't know how to tie the rope, and the more I untied it, the tighter it became.

Then the second young master let me go out and asked me to get some hot water.But I'm not familiar with this village. Everyone alive in the village has been locked up. Where can I find water?So I can only get some water from the well by myself, and light the firewood to boil the water for you.

But when I came back, many people guarded the room outside and refused to let me in.I vaguely heard your voice, calling for the second young master all the time, and it took most of the night to finish.The water was cold, and I went to heat the water again before bringing it in for you. "

She took a peek at Miss Du, who was dying of shame and anger, and said in a low voice, "You were carried into the bathtub by the second young master naked, and he washed your body and drove me out. , don't you remember?"

The carriage was quiet for a long time, and after a long time, the merchant had finished his supplies and was about to go back on the road, only then did everyone see two women coming out one after the other.

Xie Zhonglin hurriedly stuffed a bag of pancakes into the hand of a soldier next to him, and strode up to Miss Du.

"Xin Tong, I..."

"Don't talk, don't talk to me." Miss Du had a painful look on her face. She didn't look at him, but strode towards another caravan in the station.

"What's wrong?" As a last resort, Xie Zhonglin could only hold Cui Ya.

Cuiya looked at Xie Zhonglin as if she were looking at an enemy, she said angrily, "My lady won't go with you shameless bastard, we'd better go our separate ways, goodbye! Oh no, never see you again."

Miss Du gave her a jade bracelet on her wrist in exchange for the caravan's acceptance.

The caravan was going to Liangcheng in Xining, and Miss Du happened to be going there too.

"Big shopkeeper!" The soldiers looked at Xie Zhonglin worriedly. Outside, they all called him that because they were a caravan.

"Nothing, let's go too."

Miss Du had already taken Cui Ya to follow the caravan ahead.

Their generals are also pitiful!

The soldier sighed helplessly.

"Who the hell is that girl?" Some bold people, especially gossipers, couldn't help asking.

Thinking of the viciousness of this mission, I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to talk about her in the future, so Xie Zhonglin smiled bitterly: "She used to be the wife I was marrying, but I treated her badly, so she went with me and married her." I left. Later I found that I wanted to treat her well, but she no longer gave me a chance."


(End of this chapter)

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