Chapter 1076 Disposal of eyeliner
At the end of the month again, various shopkeepers successively sent the ledgers to Gu Youyou.

She was sitting in the bamboo forest, blowing the wind while flipping through the ledger in her hand.But at this moment, she saw a maid in the lotus pond in the distance looking at her furtively.

Gu Youyou wiped a smile from the corner of her mouth, and said to Circe, "Don't you like to experiment with living people? I'll give you a chance."

"Huh? What?" Circe raised her head and followed Gu Youyou's gaze.

The maid on the other side of the lotus pond saw them looking over and hurriedly retracted her head, but Circe still saw her and recognized her.

Circe laughed coldly, and said, "You said that."

Gu Youyou has always only experimented with movements, and she has long ordered Circe not to take living people, what's going on today?

Gu Youyou said: "Of course I said it, and that woman will be left to you until she is honest. But she is the queen's person, so she can't go too far, and she can't be killed!"

Circe winked at her, and said, "Don't worry, I have my measure!"

Xiang Toon hurriedly went to the backyard to look for Gu Youyou, with a flustered look on her face.

Gu Youyou put down the ledger and frowned.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you, don't panic when something happens?"

"But, the nanny in the palace came and said that it was the queen's order that she chose you to enter the palace."

Gu Youyou was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the direction in which Circe was walking away.

Just now she asked Circe to clean up the people arranged by the queen, and it was a coincidence that Mammy came to the door the next second.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Since she married Jin Zijin, it seems that the queen has never caused any trouble for her. Gu Youyou knew that it would not be so easy to forget, but she wanted to see, where is she going to wait for her?
Today, Jin Zijin went out and was not at home. Did she plan to find this time to be unlucky for herself?

"The eldest prince is not here, so the empress must have no good intentions, why don't we go?" Xiang Toon looked worried and anxious.

"Why don't the servants go back to the nanny and say that you are sick?"

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes, and said: "It's so easy to fool, can she be the queen? Don't worry, she can still eat me blatantly."

It was a middle-aged woman who came, wearing a palace dress. Gu Youyou had seen her before, and she was indeed someone close to the queen.

Strictly speaking, she is not the kind of nun who serves others, but a female official, a female official who directly belongs to the queen.

She came here to announce her entry into the palace in a serious manner. Since she was a female official, it must be recorded in the register.

Thinking about it, the queen was also telling Gu Youyou that she would not do anything to her.

Thinking of this, Gu Youyou smiled speechlessly.

The female officer saluted Gu Youyou respectfully, and then read out the queen's imperial edict, which was actually nothing, it meant that she was to be announced into the palace to make a statement, not only Gu Youyou, but also the concubines of the three princes had to enter the palace.

Then Gu Youyou didn't understand even more, what is this?Pull into the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law?

Is there a mother-in-law relationship between them?

Naturally, Gu Youyou couldn't refuse, she simply tidied up, and then followed the female officer into the carriage.

Xiang Toon looked pale, standing at the gate of the mansion watching the carriage pulling Gu Youyou go farther and farther, he had the feeling that Gao Jianli sent Jing Ke to assassinate Qin back then.

When the carriage was no longer in sight, she hurriedly ran into the mansion, found Gu Yunxi in the stable in the outer courtyard, and asked anxiously, "Do you know where the eldest prince has gone?"

(End of this chapter)

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