It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1084 Find out the details of Circe

Chapter 1084 Find out the details of Circe
Vaguely said: "I am indeed pure-hearted, but I have been poisoned by you."

"Huh?" Gu Youyou had been teased so much by him that her voice turned into a moan.

"Slow... Slow down, it's better to lie down, this position is not easy to conceive."


Nanny Li was extremely efficient, and soon found out Circe's background.

"Empress, this doctor Circe is also a lady from the capital, you must not guess who she is."

Over the years, it was rare to see Nanny Li look so solemn.

"who is she?"

Nanny Li snorted and said, "Her real name is not Circe, but her surname is Lu. She is Lu Youchang's daughter, and her name is Lu Xueying."

"General Lu's daughter?" The queen asked in surprise, "Why didn't I hear that General Lu's daughter became a doctor? Why did she hide her name?"

Nanny Li said: "Just when Gu Youyou was about to go to Qishan to treat Tianshi, a major event happened to the Lu family. It is not new for Mrs. Lu to be more manly than a man, but at that time she announced Staying behind closed doors and treating her illness at home with peace of mind, she said that she would become like that because she was sick.

In fact, she was not sick, but was poisoned, and the person who poisoned her was Circe's aunt.The concubine of General Lu was brought by Mrs. Lu from her natal family, she followed Mrs. Lu all the time, and married into General Lu's mansion with Mrs. Lu.

But that aunt was vicious in her mind, and she began to poison Mrs. Lu a long time ago, which made her look like that.

Later, when the Dongchuang incident happened, that aunt committed suicide, leaving behind a daughter, Lu Xueying.Madam Lu took her anger out on Lu Xueying and beat her half to death.But in order to find a cure, she had no choice but to find Gu Youyou.

The old slave doesn't know what kind of deal there is between them. I only know that Gu Youyou treated Mrs. Lu's illness, and Mrs. Lu handed Lu Xueying to Gu Youyou. When Lu Xueying faced the world again, she changed her name to Circe . "

In this way, the queen already knew it well.

It's just that the aunt has such vicious thoughts, I don't know what about this daughter?

No, the woman placed next to her son must be safe, not so casual.

She said: "Go down first!"

If you want to get more detailed information, you must get the government to do it.

It seems that she has to find a chance to meet her grandfather, and let the grandfather do it himself.


Circe, who had been ripped off, didn't realize that she was bullying the carriage master at this time.

"Hey, do you know how to raise a horse? Look at how thin this horse is for you. If you drag the eldest prince and the eldest princess into the ditch, you will die a hundred times."

Gu Yunxi looked at the horse that Circe was pointing at, and said: "This kind of horse has good foot strength, please forgive me, don't point fingers if you don't understand."

"I don't understand?" Circe pointed to his nose and said, "Tch, believe it or not, I'll kill your horse."

"I..." Gu Yunxi said angrily: "Believe me, I believe you, please hold your hand high, don't think about this horse, it's doing well, its leg strength and endurance are the best among this group of horses. "

Gu Yunxi knew that Circe would use horses to test medicine, and their mistress Gu Youyou agreed.

So when Circe said this, he was too frightened to talk back, afraid that Circe would ask for the horse.

He really loves horses.

Circe clapped her hands, and returned to the inner courtyard proudly.

(End of this chapter)

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