It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1085 Perverted Poison Doctor

Chapter 1085 Perverted Poison Doctor

In the end, she experimented with people, all of whom were arranged by the queen to the mansion.

In Circe's yard, she took a long thick needle and filled it with liquid, and walked towards the women tied to the pillars.

The women were so frightened that their noses were running into tears, but their mouths were blocked, and they could only wail in pain in their throats.

Here it comes again, this horrible woman comes again.Not only did she pierce them with such a thick bell, but she also got those strange waters into their bodies.

After being injected with those strange waters, different symptoms will occur in their bodies.

Once I had a persistent high fever, and it took three days for the patient to recover.

Three days later, when the high fever subsided, they found that their lips had lost several layers of skin, and their bodies seemed to be hollowed out.

Once again a few days later, they had a rash all over their bodies, which was painful and painful, and they couldn't scratch it because Circe would scar and disfigure her if she scratched it.

Girls have always valued their own skins, and they rely on this skin. If the skin is still broken, it will stain the eyes of the master, and the master will definitely find an opportunity to sell them.


Several maids wept silently.

Circe smiled and said: "Don't be afraid, you are doing good deeds. In order for us to develop better life-saving medicines, someone must stand up and try first. In the past, it was me and Gu Youyou who first I tried, but Gu Youyou's family status is different now, she is the eldest concubine, so you can't try her again, right?
Since you are her handmaidens, you naturally have to share the master's worries and suffer the master's sins.Now is a good opportunity for you to show your loyalty. I only found you because of your good performance. I haven't had this opportunity for others. "

The thick needle was getting closer and closer to one of the girls, who was so frightened that she burst into tears.

She doesn't want it. Are doctors so perverted? Why do you let her test the medicine?
Circe held her mouth in displeasure, and said, "What do you mean? You don't want to? Hey, don't cry, share your worries for the master, do you want to do it or not? If you don't want to, it's wrong for the eldest princess Unfaithful. What are you going to do with your unfaithful slaves? Just beat them to death with sticks."

When the women heard this, they were too frightened to cry immediately.

Compared to being beaten to death with a stick, being pricked a few times with thick needles doesn't seem to be a big problem.

"Not yet? Just nod if you want to." Circe snapped.

Willing to!

Several women nodded hurriedly.

They are really miserable, how did they meet such a pervert as Circe.

Not getting the needle would be disloyal to the eldest princess, but this needle is going to kill her.

With a grin, Circe stuck needles in their arms and injected the fluid inside.

After a while, seeing that they were starting to lose their minds, they were untied from the pillars, thrown into a windowless room and locked up.

In the dark room, a woman said vaguely: "I can't take it anymore, it's so uncomfortable, when will this kind of life be the end?"

Another woman who looked smarter said: "They must have found out that we are the empress's people, and deliberately punished us like this. Don't be afraid, hold on, the empress will not ignore us. As long as a new master enters the mansion, We have a backbone."

"But how long do we have to wait? Huh..."

Circe put away the needle and left the dark room with a sneer.

Well, hold on, she wants to see how long these women can last.


(End of this chapter)

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