Chapter 1091
Gu Youyou checked Xie Qinyun's body again, her vital signs were stable, she just needed to take a rest, and she would wake up when the anesthetic wore off.

"Fortunately, I'm in good shape today." Gu Youyou said.

Her hands were covered in blood, and the clothes on her body were also covered in blood. When she walked out of the small room, the people outside were startled.

So much blood?

King Qin threw the child to an imperial physician, and asked anxiously, "How is Ah Yun? Is she alright?"

Gu Youyou was a little tired, and said lightly: "She's fine, you can go in and see her, but she needs to rest, so don't make too much noise about her."

King Qin entered the small white house ecstatically, and saw Xie Qinyun lying on the bed. Although his face was pale, he was breathing evenly, and his heart finally calmed down.

The mother and child are safe, just now, when he learned that she had eaten something she shouldn't have caused abdominal pain, he couldn't believe that the mother and child were still safe.

"Ah Yun, it's really hard work for you, but don't worry, the king will definitely not let the person who harmed you go. You rest at ease first, and I will take care of everything outside."

King Qin took Xie Qinyun's hand and whispered in her ear.

"Hey, the two sons are just a little ugly, with wrinkled faces."

Circe looked at the disgust of the two children who had just come out.

After King Qin heard this, he let go of Qin Yun and came out in a hurry.

He only cared about Xie Qinyun's safety, and even forgot to check whether the two children were male or female.

Gu Youyou and Mrs. Cui each held a cleaned and wrapped child, their eyes full of love.

Gu Youyou said angrily to Circe: "Newly born babies all look like this, everyone is the same, and they will grow in a few days."

Seeing King Qin coming, she hurriedly gave the child in her hand to King Qin, and said: "The baby was born a few days early, so it's okay, but twins are not as strong as girls, so you take good care of them. I won't stay here Well, it's best to settle the matter in your mansion once, otherwise the children and adults can only be temporarily safe."

"Okay, I will take good care of them and find out the person who poisoned them."

Gu Youyou nodded, looked at her equipment, and said, "Wash these things and send them back to me in a few days. Don't break them. It's not easy to do."

"Definitely, Ting Yu will send it over in person."

Qin Wang solemnly thanked Gu Youyou, and personally sent Gu Youyou out of the gate.

The imperial physicians expressed their regret that they could not witness how the child was born.

"I have fainted, and there is still no movement. How did this child be born?"

"Yeah, it's amazing."

Seeing that the King of Qin hadn't come back yet, several imperial physicians urged Nv Cui and said, "Nv Cui, why don't you go in and have a look?"

Female doctor Cui was still holding a child, she shook her head in disapproval, and said, "It's not very good, it will be troublesome if King Qin finds out about it later."

"Hey, what's wrong, you are also a female doctor, shouldn't you go to see how the side concubine is doing?"

Doctor Cui thought it made sense when she heard it, and hurriedly gave the child to one of the imperial physicians, and went into the hut by herself.

Xie Qinyun was still asleep, and the medicine hadn't worn off yet, so she wouldn't wake up.

Doctor Cui checked Qinyun's body first, and found that she was indeed alive and well.Looking further down, the blood-soaked gauze wrapped around her stomach caught her attention. After careful observation, she discovered an astonishing truth.

(End of this chapter)

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