Chapter 1092 Open a small kitchen
It turns out that the child was not born from that place, but was taken out by cutting open the stomach?
oh god!

Lady Cui came out, her face pale.

The imperial physicians hurriedly gathered around and asked, "What's going on?"


"Is the side concubine still alive?"

Female doctor Cui nodded blankly, and said, "Alive, but the child was not born by the side concubine."

"Ah...? It wasn't born by the side concubine, where did it come from?"

The imperial doctors subconsciously glanced at the small white room enclosed in the middle of the room, and felt that it was impossible for Gu Youyou to stuff a child into it under the watchful eyes of everyone.

No, it's two.

Female doctor Cui swallowed her saliva, and said: "Yes... it was directly cut open and hugged out of the stomach."

With a bang, the imperial doctors were cast with a fixing spell, and they were stunned on the spot for a long while speechless.

From the belly?
Can this child still cut open the belly of a pregnant woman to see what came out of her arms?

But female doctor Cui just went in to see it, and it was impossible to deceive them. Although she didn't see it with her own eyes, it was no different from what she saw with her own eyes.

An imperial doctor asked again: "Is the concubine still alive?"

Doctor Cui said: "Of course it's true. If the side concubine has something to do, the first princess can't just leave."

King Qin came back after a while, glanced at the imperial physicians, and said with a cold face: "Please stay here until the side concubine wakes up."

He still has a lot of things to do, the bowl of soup this morning, and the good news to his father.


On the way, Circe couldn't help but ask, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​delivering her in this way?"

Gu Youyou said with a faint smile: "There are many situations in which a woman cannot give birth to a child, such as the fetal position is not correct, the umbilical cord is around the neck, the fetus is too large, and today's Xie Qinyun's situation, etc. Especially twins, even if they are not recognized by others Pregnant women can't give birth by themselves, and they can't just watch the pregnant women die of pain and the fetus suffocate, so they have to find a way to save them, right?

Therefore, taking the fetus through laparotomy is actually a very safe way of delivery.Of course, natural production is the best, and it is used as a last resort.It's better than suffocating!Today you see it clearly, next time when I have a baby, if I encounter a difficult delivery, your knife will be accurate. "

"Are you having a baby?" Circe trembled with surprise on her face.

Gu Youyou became unhappy when she saw it, and said, "I can't have children? What do you call that?"


"Hehe, yes, you can give birth."

For the time being, only Xiang Toon knew about Gu Youyou's pregnancy, and she was wondering if it was time to find a reason to announce it to the public.

There are now two pregnant women in her courtyard, the food is amazing, they are all pregnant women's food, won't people be suspicious?

But soon she came up with a trick, and when she returned to the mansion, Gu Youyou told Xiang Toon: "Find someone to build me a small kitchen in our courtyard, and I want to study new dishes."

"Ah...?" Xiang Toon was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you planning to open a restaurant again?"

Gu Youyou smiled and said, "Not necessarily, but I have this plan."

She doesn't open a restaurant, but Shunzi does.

He did not drive to Jinxiu City, but to the capital.

Because Gu Youyou found him a house in the capital, which is next to the landmark building that Gu Youyou is about to complete.

The capital city and Jinxiu City are very close anyway, a journey of less than an hour is nothing to them, and it takes more than an hour to go into the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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