Chapter 1093 Open a restaurant

The restaurant is being renovated, and Shunzi is not idle, he has recently moved into Gu Youyou's house, and under Gu Youyou's guidance, he specializes in making all kinds of spicy fish.

Gu Youyou asked: "It's hard to find peppers, no one has ever grown them, have you solved this problem?"

Shunzi laughed and said, "The peppers have already been planted. When we escaped, we brought the most pepper seeds. The last time I told Miss Du about this, she generously rented a small village for me. The capital city and Jinxiu City are not far away."

Gu Youyou laughed, and praised: "Okay, Shunzi, you know how to plan ahead. I forgot to tell you earlier, so I thought you forgot about it."

Shunzi said: "How could it be? If this fish doesn't have chili peppers, it will still not taste good. I always use chili peppers to make fish, and Erya likes it."

"Okay, then I don't worry. Today, my sister will teach you to cook a pickled fish. Some people don't taste spicy enough and like that kind of taste. You can serve him a pickled fish that is not too spicy."

With Gu Youyou's help, Erya Yuzhuang opened smoothly.

Since Shunzi's way of cooking fish is not yet accepted by the public, Gu Youyou suggested that he prepare more small plates and let the customers try them first, and then go inside to order after eating well.

[-]% off on the first day of opening, [-]% off on the second day, [-]% off on the third day... until the original price is restored.This method is very attractive, and the most indispensable thing in the capital is rich masters. Even if they try something new, they will go into the shop to taste it.

It was full on the first day, and the guests had to wait on the second day. On the third day, they had to make an appointment.

The business of Erya Yuzhuang is even more prosperous than they imagined.

Shunzi couldn't do it alone, but luckily Sanbao could cook fish too. After three days, they finally realized that it was just the two of them who would die of exhaustion sooner or later, and this was not the way to go.

Gu Youyou asked the craftsmen to make the kitchen very large, and Shunzi finally realized Gu Youyou's good intentions. To make it so big, the elder sister must have expected it a long time ago, so many cooks and stoves had to be added.

Gu Youyou said: "You can either post a notice to recruit cooks to work for you, or see if there are any brothers and sisters who can endure hardship and are willing to make a fortune together."

Shunzi thought for a while and said, "I'll go and ask my second brother if he's coming."

Shunzi's parents were all arranged to go to work by Gu Youyou, while Shunzi's younger brother stayed at home to take care of his younger sister.Shunzi's family is full of sons, and this younger sister is still the treasure of Shunzi's family.

Gu Youyou asked: "Then what about your sister?"

Shunzi said embarrassingly: "Then I can only ask Erya to help take care of it."

Gu Youyou was unwilling, Erya had two children to take care of, how could she be so busy?
She said: "Why don't you do this? I'll assign you a servant girl to help Er Ya take care of the children. Your brother is not young anymore, and it's time to discuss marriage in two years. He really can't treat you forever I'm taking care of my younger sister at home."

Shunzi was very happy, and kept thanking Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou said: "Don't thank me, after all, I opened this fish farm with money, and I also have a share of the money."


The battle between Xining and the imperial court had already begun, and Jin Zijin sent a letter from his family, which mentioned the detailed situation.

The four-way army marched in four directions at the same time.

The Yue family in the south of the Lingnan broke through Yulin Mountain and was heading towards the desert closest to the palace of Xining.

Dongzhou Xie Zhongsen's team is attacking Liangcheng, which is well-defended.

(End of this chapter)

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