It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1094 Find out the identity of Circe

Chapter 1094 Find out the identity of Circe

General Lu shined brilliantly this time and captured Xiyue City in one fell swoop. It is the most important city in Xining other than Xining King City, and its strength is second only to Xining King City.

Gu Youyou smiled, and said in his heart: Then General Lu is in the limelight at this time. It is reasonable to say that the emperor takes care of the Xiao family in the former Grand Master's Mansion the most, but for some reason, he didn't give Xiao Jinyan or Xiao Jinfei the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. Go, but handed it over to General Lu, whom the Duke's Mansion is trying to win over.

"What are you looking at?" Seeing Gu Youyou smirking, Circe couldn't help asking.

Gu Youyou said: "Your father won the battle and is going to be promoted, do you see?"

Circe's face darkened immediately, and he went out with a snort.

The most surprising thing is that the worst person this time was actually the soldiers of the Duke of Peking.

The four-way army, and the three-way army had good news, but they were unlucky, and they were resisted to the death by the other side.

Not only did they resist, the Beiping army was defeated, and they were also pursued by others taking advantage of the victory.That posture, it seems that the Fifth Prince used the road in Beiping as a way to escape, but if it didn't work, he planned to open a passage from Beiping and escape to the barbarian country.

This is really to blame the Duke's mansion for being unlucky, because it is indeed the best escape route in several directions.

After reading it, Gu Youyou started to pick up the pen and wrote back to Jin Zijin.

She wanted to tell him that they had a baby, and by the way, told him to come back early and to see the birth of the baby with her own eyes.


General Lu fought a beautiful battle, and the matter has been reported to the court. The emperor was overjoyed, and with a wave of his hand, all kinds of rewards went down.Although General Lu has not returned yet, Madam Lu can accept some gold, silver and jewels without delay.

All of a sudden, General Lu's Mansion became a hot spot, and the wives of the officials would naturally not miss such a good opportunity. The women who had never dealt with Mrs. Lu before were now eager to make friends with Mrs. Lu.

At the same time, Circe's life experience was also found out, not only hers, but even her mother's.

Nanny Li said in front of the queen: "The identity of Circe's mother is not simple. She is the only descendant of the ghost doctor's family. When the ghost doctor's family was destroyed, a young lady escaped, which was Circe's mother. When Circe's mother was alive, She taught Circe all her abilities. She has completely inherited the ghost doctor's blood and vicious temperament. She was very vicious at a young age. She may not be very good at saving people, but she is definitely a master at poisoning people.

Empress, you have to think twice, don't let your eldest grandson be born, and kill our King Jin first. "

Hearing Madam Li's words, the queen also became worried.

Women like this really need to be careful.

She said: "Since that's the case, why did Gu Youyou keep her by her side and become the doctor in charge of Jishengtang? Isn't Gu Youyou afraid that she will poison the patient to death and smash her signboard?"

Nanny Li said: "If Gu Youyou hadn't begged her from Mrs. Lu back then, she would have been beaten to death by Mrs. Lu long ago. The old slave guessed that Circe stayed by Gu Youyou's side to repay her kindness. It is not ruled out that there are other transactions between them."

After hearing this, the empress propped her chin up and thought deeply. After a while, she suddenly laughed, and told Madam Li: "Put the news about Lu Xueying to Mrs. Lu's ears, and be careful, don't let her find out that the news is from my palace. It's spread here, let's see how she reacts?"

 Let me ask you a question, is it better for Yoyo to have a boy or a girl?

(End of this chapter)

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