It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1095 sent a beauty to train

Chapter 1095 sent a beauty to train
Mrs. Lu has become a very popular wife recently, and I heard that many people are fawning on her, and my heart is full of joy.I don't know if she can still laugh when she hears that the enemy's daughter is still alive.


Everything was in order, and Shunzi's restaurant opened smoothly, and the signboard was soon opened.

Now if the dignitaries in the capital say they have never eaten fish from Erya Yuzhuang, they are ashamed to say that they have been to a restaurant.

Gu Youyou's landmark building is under construction, Miss Du is hiding in her yard, and she is doing it very comfortably. The battle reports from Xining are all good news (the defeat of the Beiping army is also good news.) And the baby in her belly, too. Grow up day by day.

But at this time, another moth appeared on the queen's side.

The queen didn't know which muscle was wrong, so she directly issued an order to add trouble to Gu Youyou, sent a beauty into the mansion, and said that Gu Youyou should be trained, and when the training is completed, she will be sent to Xining to serve her. Jin Zijin?

What the hell, looks like my old lady is easy to bully, doesn't she?

I don't know where the queen found this woman, but Gu Youyou understood that she was definitely not a respectable lady in the capital, and this woman was much more powerful than those mindless maids in the mansion.

As for why you guess it can't be the lady in the capital?
Because the young ladies with heads and faces won't be so stupid, the eldest prince is not here, and he doesn't agree, so why don't you put us next to the eldest princess to train us?Isn't that sent to the door for people to pick up the skin?
So it's definitely not easy for this woman to come to the door and let Gu Youyou pick her skin off.

Gu Youyou told Circe about this, and Circe smiled sinisterly and said, "It just so happened that the maids were trained well a few days ago, why don't you send them to serve her."

Gu Youyou said: "You can figure it out, I have to raise a baby!"


Gu Youyou froze, touched her stomach and said, "Shouldn't I have a baby?"

"...Okay, you have a baby."

So she can justly ask her to help beat up the little bitch?
The queen moved quickly, and soon brought the woman over.At dusk, an unremarkable sedan chair entered the eldest prince's mansion through a side door.

Gu Youyou went to see her out of curiosity. In the remote courtyard, red candles were lit.When Gu Youyou took people there, the woman was still wearing her wedding dress and covering her head, sitting on the wedding bed, and beside her, there was a rooster tied with a red string.

Gu Youyou couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The empress is really good at playing, even the chickens are used.

Did she think she was too boring, so why did she have fun?
Gu Youyou gave Xiang Toon a wink, Xiang Toon understood, gritted his teeth and stepped forward, tearing off the girl's red hijab.

The girl raised her head and looked at Gu Youyou.

She is still a beauty, but the makeup is too heavy, which is in line with the aesthetics of the ancients, but Gu Youyou looks too exaggerated.

There was no expression on her face, she didn't have any surprise or panic that she should have, she just looked at Gu Youyou calmly.

Xiang Toon was annoyed, slapped her on the face, and said angrily: "Do you understand the rules? You can't be polite when you see the eldest princess?"

The woman smiled lightly, stood up and saluted Gu Youyou.

"Eldest Princess!"

"Well, get up." Gu Youyou looked at her, then at the rooster, and told the maid behind her: "Go and kill this rooster and stew it to make up for Miss Song, and look at her." So thin, how can I stand the toss?"

(End of this chapter)

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