It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1096 The chicken is stewed, send a dog

Chapter 1096 The chicken is stewed, send a dog
The girl didn't change her face, and said lightly: "Prince Concubine, no." She raised her head, hugged the chicken, and said, "Today is the day of Lianjun's great joy. If the First Prince is not here, then this chicken represents It's the First Prince, how could you stew the First Prince."

Gu Youyou's eyes gradually cooled down.

She knew that the queen had no good intentions, so how could she arrange for a master who could be bullied by her?
This woman looks weak, and her position is very unfavorable to herself, but there is no trace of fear in her eyes, but very calm.

Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows, and said, "Do you still want to keep this bridal chamber?"

The maids behind Gu Youyou couldn't help covering their mouths and laughing in a low voice when they heard this, but Song Lianjun had a smile on the corner of her mouth, and she said: "According to the custom, this only represents the eldest prince. The rooster is to be placed on the bedside to accompany Lord Lian to spend the night, Grand Concubine, you don't know such rules, do you?"

Gu Youyou laughed loudly, looked at her condescendingly, and said lightly: "Since you have entered this gate, then I will teach you the first lesson. The rules outside don't count here. , close the door, I am the rule.”

Song Lianjun's face changed, and there was already a bit of chill in his eyes.

Gu Youyou snorted, and said to a maid behind her: "Take the rooster to the kitchen, and tell them to stew the chicken as soon as possible."

"Yes, Grand Princess."

The maid immediately went forward, snatched the rooster from Song Lianjun's arms, and took it to the kitchen.

Gu Youyou then said to another servant girl: "Go to the outer room and find a guard dog. Ask for a male dog. The rooster has been stewed. You can't let Miss Song be lonely all night."

The maids shuddered collectively, it was too... I don't know if this new Song girl is afraid of dogs.

Song Lianjun's face became even colder, staring at Gu Youyou firmly.

Gu Youyou still likes such straight ones. If you keep holding it, I'm too embarrassed to do it. Only when you are angry will you have a chance, right?
Gu Youyou returned to her courtyard, and was about to fall asleep, when Circe ran over.

She said excitedly: "I heard that you went to the little bitch's house, stewed the cock, and sent a male dog to her house?"

Gu Youyou snorted, and said, "Xiang Toon told you?"

Circe said: "That's right, the girl Xiang Toon is talking around when she's not sleeping, and she has made appointments with a few other maids in the yard, and she's going to watch the excitement tonight."

"What are you watching?" Gu Youyou raised her eyebrows.

Circe giggled and said, "To make it more exciting, I put some ingredients in the chicken soup."

"Huh?" Gu Youyou suddenly had a bad feeling.

Circe laughed and said, "You still want to have a bridal chamber with a rooster? You should use a dog to deal with such a coward. I saw that dog is big enough, not much weaker than your Po."

I go……

Gu Youyou hurriedly put on the coat she had just taken off, stepped on her shoes and hurriedly ran out of the courtyard.

She just wanted to show that woman off, to frighten her, and make her be more honest.That dog, Gu Youyou also ordered the servant girl to tie it up with a stronger rope, but she didn't expect that a vicious woman, Circe, would come up with such a trick.

She added ingredients to the chicken soup, and the fool knew what she would add.

The woman doesn't eat it, but there's no guarantee that the dog won't eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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