Chapter 1101
Song Lianjun's face turned cold again, looking at Yue Rujing who was smiling but not smiling, he gritted his teeth and said, "What if Lianjun doesn't want to?"

Yue Rujing put down her chopsticks, wiped her hands with a handkerchief, and said slowly: "That's up to you, since you are the empress who gave my senior brother a concubine, you must follow our request."

As soon as the words fell, Gu Youyou was thrown out vigorously by Yue Rujing.

And Yue Rujing had already started fighting with Song Lianjun, the table was overturned, and the bowls and chopsticks fell all over the floor.

Gu Youyou was frightened half to death, and quickly reached out to protect her stomach.

Fortunately, Yue Rujing's push was just right.

Gu Youyou stepped back two feet, but did not fall to the ground, but staggered back a few steps and stopped.

Xiang Toon, who had been standing not far behind Gu Youyou, was so frightened that her face turned pale. She knew that Gu Youyou was pregnant, and if she fell, the child would be finished. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

She hurriedly supported Gu Youyou, and helped her out from the door.

Such excitement is unbearable, and Yue Rujing is too reckless this year, what if she hurts the First Prince and Concubine?

She still has a grandson in her belly.

"Let's go, let's get out." Xiang Toon pulled Gu Youyou away from the battlefield with a pale face.

Everyone who heard the movement craned their necks to look at the yard, Gu Youyou said loudly to them: "What are you looking at? Why should you go?"

A huge figure ran towards Gu Youyou, it was A Bao.

Just now I asked the servants to take it to eat. Judging by its appearance, it has already eaten, and there is still some blood on the hair at the corner of its mouth.

A Bao rubbed against Gu Youyou, Gu Youyou touched the top of its head, and said to it: "Your brother got into a fight inside, do you want to help?"

Ah Bao glanced at the courtyard and ran towards the house.

Gu Youyou's heart aches unceasingly, this month Rujing is really true, she said earlier that she was going to fight, so she put away the valuable things first.Well now, they were fighting in that house, and her house was about to be destroyed.

Inside the house, Song Lianjun and Yue Rujing had an even fight.

Yue Rujing pulled out the soft sword from her waist, her expression became more serious.

Fortunately, he came to visit in person, such a powerful person stayed by Gu Youyou's side, it was really scary enough.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them have gone through no fewer than a hundred moves.The utensils in the house were shattered into corpses all over the place, Yue Rujing's white clothes were stained with blood, of course, Song Lianjun was the same, the blood stains looked like red plum blossoms, but I don't know which of them bleed more.

When the two were fighting evenly, a huge wolf-like dog jumped in from the window, and rushed towards Song Lianjun with lightning speed.

A Bao was trained very well by Yue Rujing himself, and now it is in its prime, this pounce caught Song Lianjun off guard, and was pushed to the ground by it.

When she reacted to deal with A Bao, it was already too late.

Yue Rujing's soft sword quickly moved in front of her, and at this moment, it was resting on her neck.

Ah Bao stared at Yue Rujing with big watery eyes and made strange noises, as if asking for credit.

Yue Rujing laughed, and said: "A Bao, you're so good, I didn't let my brother hurt you for nothing."

Gu Youyou heard the movement inside and knew that Song Lianjun had been taken down by Yue Rujing, so she immediately called a few guards to go in with the rope.

The guards moved very quickly, tying Song Lianjun up.

(End of this chapter)

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