Chapter 1102 Take it away forcibly
Circe smiled slyly, and gave her an injection, saying: "The rope alone is not enough for such a person. The weak tendons in my needle tube are loose, and it is guaranteed that she will not be able to exert force for half a month."

Song Lianjun's face changed drastically, she stared at Circe fiercely, and then said to Gu Youyou, "Aren't you afraid that the queen will blame you?"

Gu Youyou covered her heart and said with a smile: "I'm afraid, so it's none of my business. You asked the wrong person, you should ask him if he is afraid."

Gu Youyou pointed at Yue Rujing.

Yue Rujing imitated Gu Youyou's tone and said: "I'm afraid too, so I decided to hide in the Sanqing Temple and not go anywhere."

Sanqing Temple is a sacred place, not to mention the queen, even the emperor can't go to Sanqing Temple to take people casually, let alone the current moon like a mirror,
Yue Rujing is in the Sanqing Temple, but now he is the leader, he can mobilize all the Taoist people.

Circe asked Gu Youyou with a confused face: "What do you mean? How to deal with this woman? Could it be that you want to send her to Sanqing Temple?"

Gu Youyou nodded and said, "Yes, that's the plan."

Circe said dissatisfied: "I still plan to keep it and toss it slowly. She has used all the medicine."

Gu Youyou said: "It's okay, Cheng Yaojin still has three tricks, the queen must have more than this trick, save your tricks for future use."

Circe was very dissatisfied with Gu Youyou's behavior. In order to deal with Song Lianjun, she came up with n and a half methods, so excited that she couldn't sleep.

Originally, they planned to try on her one by one, but they were taken away by Gu Youyou before they even started.

Why does Gu Youyou feel that she saved this woman once.

But now she can't afford to gamble, there are two pregnant women in the family, it's safer to keep her far away.


Most of the victims returned to their hometowns, only a few whose hometowns were destroyed went to other places to settle down, and there were quite a few people like the Gu family who took refuge with their relatives and simply stayed.

As for Qin Changlin, since he came to the capital, he has been staying in Jisheng Hall as a doctor, and Yuan Cheng studied by his side.

Now that he heard that Qingshui Town had returned to its original state, and the neighbors in the neighborhood had gone back to live a normal life, he also had the idea of ​​returning to Qingshui Town.

After making up her mind, she came to the First Prince's Mansion to bid farewell to Gu Youyou.

"You want to go back to Qingshui Town?" Gu Youyou was a little surprised, and said, "Didn't you hear that you plan to take your daughter-in-law over a few days ago, and you will stay in the capital forever?"

Qin Changlin sighed, and said: "I thought so at first, but... well, you know, there is only one pharmacy in Qingshui Town, Jishengtang, if I don't go back, the people there will only be able to rely on the barefoot doctor.

Those doctors don't have many medical skills, and most of them only know some home remedies. A blind cat can be cured once it encounters a dead mouse, but many times it delays the patient.

Moreover, there is a piece of hard work left by Master, and my relatives and friends are all there. After all, it is my hometown, so I decided to go back. "

Since Qin Changlin said so, it's hard for Gu Youyou to keep him.

She asked, "Then what will you do with Yuan Cheng after you leave?"

Yuan Cheng already regarded Qin Changlin as his relative, Gu Youyou guessed that Yuan Cheng probably wanted to go back with Qin Changlin as well.

Qin Changlin smiled and said: "I asked him, and he said that he is also going back. His wife and colleagues are all looking forward to him."

Gu Youyou said: "In that case, then I will send a few people to send you back. If you have anything to do, write to me. If you have figured it out and want to come to the capital, I welcome you at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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