It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1103 Circe buys Lu Yu again

Chapter 1103 Circe Bought Lu Yu Back Again

"Okay, no problem." Qin Changlin smiled.

Gu Youyou said: "Also, kowtow a few more times when you go to Master's grave."

"Okay, I see, you are getting more and more verbose."

Gu Youyou: "..."


Today, Circe bought another maid and came back, and when she brought it to Gu Youyou, she had a displeased expression on her face.

"what happened?"

"I just bought it." Circe pushed the maid in front of Gu Youyou.

Gu Youyou shifted her gaze to the maidservant, and looked her up and down.

After a while, the maid laughed and said, "How is it? The makeup this time?"

Gu Youyou was taken aback, and said, "Lu Yu?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Yes, it's me."

Gu Youyou looked at her new look and couldn't laugh or cry, "Do you have any friends like this?"

The key is to do one thing at a time, who can bear to be his friend?

Lu Yu curled his lips and said, "Didn't Yue Rujing ask me to come and do me a favor, otherwise you thought I would be willing to be your maid."

"Oh? Yue Rujing called you here?" Gu Youyou said with a look of surprise, "What can you do? Except disguise and tell stories."

Gu Youyou remembered that he was a servant girl in the Lin Mansion last time, but she was still a little girl compared to a young lady, and she was like an old man who was served by others.

Lu Yu said: "Hey, don't look down on people. Aren't you afraid that you will meet a woman with skills again? I am also a woman with skills now. I will be your personal bodyguard."

That's not much, and it sounds pretty solid.

Gu Youyou has never seen Lu Yu make a move, so he doesn't know how his kung fu is.

Xindao: Since it was called by Yue Rujing, it should be pretty good.

In her free time, Gu Youyou started writing family letters to Jin Zijin again.Tell him about the family situation, and her growing career.

Except for Song Lianjun, I didn't write it. I only wrote that Lu Yu pretended to be a maid and was bought back by Circe. He was cheating on food and drinking at home, and asked him what to do with it.

There was also a battle report from Xining, saying that now the fifth prince has learned to be smart, and instead of defending several cities together, he will pull all the troops to one place and point to one place to fight.

They planned to break through Beiping before, but unfortunately they failed.

It is not a vegetarian that the Duke's Mansion has been able to stand for so many years. Their family has produced a large number of capable people, and they have firmly guarded Beiping.

There are stubborn enemies in the front, and there are chasing soldiers in the back. Naturally, that strategy can no longer be used, so they are now concentrated in one place, and you don't necessarily know where he is.

Recently, I was in Liangcheng, which was newly captured by the [-] army led by General Xie.

But overnight, this city was suddenly attacked by the fifth prince. Our army suffered heavy losses, countless casualties, and nearly ten thousand prisoners.

There are four armies in the imperial court, and the four armies work independently and cannot fight together. This is their biggest disadvantage.

It seems that the five princes and their party have already begun to take advantage of their disadvantages.

In this way, the battle will appear very difficult.

In the court hall, the courtiers announced that the selection of a commander-in-chief was imminent. Since the eldest prince was in the army, it was only natural for the eldest prince to be the commander-in-chief.

But there are also many people who oppose it.

The reason is that Jin Zijin was born in Taoism, he is good at martial arts, and he has a thorough study of Taoist numerology, but these things are not helpful in fighting.

It is so important to put down the rebellion of the king of Xining, how can it be so child's play?
This also makes sense, so after choosing and choosing, I couldn't find a suitable candidate.

(End of this chapter)

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