Chapter 1104 Don't Eat Meat

The emperor looked at the ministers who were quarreling below and got a headache. He rubbed his temples and said, "It's not just the coach's problem, it's been so long that we can't fight, and the food and grass has become a big problem. Dear friends, there is a way to solve the problem of food and grass." Things?"

When this kind of issue is mentioned, everyone is silent.

Everyone knows that the south has been hit by disasters this year, and there is not even a slight shortage of food. In order to fight this war, the common people have tightened their belts to live, and no matter how much they search, they can't get any food.

When everyone was at a loss, the protector of the country smiled, stepped forward and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the First Princess has handled the flood very well, why don't you leave this matter to her as well?"

The sycophants who followed him suddenly realized, clapped their hands and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, the treasury is empty now, and there is nothing we can do about food and grass. But the first princess must have money. She has been expanding the store. We have opened to neighboring countries, and the business of all the shops is very good.”

The emperor looked at them indifferently, and said: "Then what do you mean to say, you guys can't do anything, and you still need to rely on a woman to gather food and grass?"

When the emperor said this, those who spoke lowered their heads in shame.

But there are no thick-skinned ones, such as Duke Protector.

He said: "Your majesty, the national crisis is at the head of the issue. Everyone is responsible for solving the food and grass problem. How can we rely on a woman? The eldest princess is the daughter-in-law of the royal family, so naturally she should share the country's worries."

The emperor was silent for a moment, and said: "The Lord Protector is right. If this is the case, everyone will deduct one year's salary and deduct it in two years. From now on, all the expenses of the palace will be simplified, from the harem to the homes of the ministers and workers." , are not allowed to eat meat anymore, and all vegetarian dishes will be eaten until the army returns from victory. Wan Decheng, draw up an order!"

The faces of the courtiers turned into pig livers, and their faces were brilliant.

There is also the harem where the innocent are lying on the gun, it is estimated that it will be lively.


When the imperial decree came down to the First Prince's Mansion, Xiang Toon's complexion was the same as that of those courtiers, as wonderful as a palette.

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "Put away the imperial decree, don't be so aggrieved, I guessed the result if you can't win Xining in three months."

Xiang Toon said angrily: "That's too much, why should you be asked to solve the problem of food and grass? Do all the ministers get their salaries for nothing?"

Gu Youyou said helplessly: "If this word gets out, ten heads of yours are not enough. Well, don't talk about it, at least we have not been ordered to be vegetarians, not meat. Ready."

"What?" Xiang Toon's eyes widened in disbelief.

Her master is too powerful, does he have the ability to see the future?How does it feel like she knows everything, and there seems to be nothing she can't do.

Gu Youyou sat at the desk and asked Xiang Toon to grind ink for her.

Long before the army set off, she had thought that there would be a shortage of food and grass.

There are floods in the south this year, so many people have been displaced, food and grass will definitely become a problem.

The food and grass provided by the imperial court lasted for three months, which was already the limit.

That's why she opened the shops to neighboring countries. She used the money earned from those shops to buy all the food, which had already been shipped back.

In three months, a lot of food has been saved.

As long as she gives an order, the food will be sent to the front army.

(End of this chapter)

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