Chapter 1105
After Gu Youyou wrote the letter, she went to the palace in person, and she wanted to deliver the letter to the emperor herself.

It is inconvenient for her to transport grain and grass, she thinks that such work should be left to the emperor.

The emperor was obviously shocked when he saw the letter presented by Gu Youyou.

He was shocked that the woman had prepared so much food and grass, and he had just announced the decree in the morning, and she delivered it in person in the afternoon, which was too fast.

It seemed that she had already prepared and was waiting for that imperial decree.

The emperor couldn't help but look at Gu Youyou a few more times.

In order to cover her swollen belly, Gu Youyou dressed a bit thickly. The padded robe was loose, and she seemed to have gained a lot of weight.

Being sized up by the emperor, she still felt very uncomfortable, as if he had seen through her.

Gu Youyou hurriedly said: "My son really guessed early in the morning that Xining's war would be short of food and grass, so he opened the shop overseas. It is fake to do business, but it is true to exchange for food. Counting the time, the potatoes planted last time are also It's time to dig, the potato yield is large, and we won't be short of food."

The emperor didn't speak, and after a long silence, he said in a low voice: "No wonder Zijin has to choose you. You are indeed a man of great talent. Although you were born in a humble background, your talent has already surpassed thousands of troops."

"Father is so ridiculous! My son just did what he could."

"Okay, I can do what I can. I... thank you very much!"

Gu Youyou looked at him in astonishment, she never dreamed that she could hear the word 'thank you' from the mouth of the supreme ruler, the emperor.


The person appointed by the emperor to deliver food and grass is Xiao Jinfei from the Xiao family, and he is also the one who holds the emperor's imperial decree as the head coach.

The courtiers exploded, none of them reaped any benefits, and they were taken by Xiao Jinfei who went to the court once every eight days?
Just so annoying.

The emperor acted eccentrically, and Xiao Jinfei from the Xiao family became the head coach. What is the difference between that and the eldest prince being the head coach?
But the emperor was so eccentric, and even took Gu Youyou out as a shield.

"With her own strength, the eldest concubine generously provided the food and grass needed by the army. Her only request is that she personally choose the commander to escort the food and grass. If you are not convinced, you can also propose a commander."

Everyone is eager to try, and they all want to mention someone who is beneficial to them.

However, the emperor didn't finish his words, he continued: "But the premise is that you get food and grass."

Everyone: "..."

Now convinced, no one dares to have an opinion.

Just kidding, so much food and grass, the treasury can't get it out now, who can get it out?

The matter was resolved so smoothly, the food and grass needed by the army, and the commander of the three armies were all blamed by Gu Youyou for his innocence.

When the court came down, the emperor left Xie Huanzhi alone.When the army sent back the secret letter, a letter was sent back with the secret letter, which was intended to be given to Xie Huanzhi by name.

Xie Huanzhi held the letter with blank eyes.

This is an autographed letter from his eldest son Xie Zhongsen. He has been away from home for so long, and he has never written an autographed letter to him, because he has never been able to let go of the fact that his wife died in Xie's mansion.

The emperor looked at Xie Huanzhi and sighed softly: "Ai Qing, don't worry, maybe it's just a simple letter from home. They suffered a bit in the battle of Liangcheng last time, maybe they wrote it because they were afraid that you would worry. Letter from home to report safety."

Xie Huanzhi smiled stiffly, and thanked the emperor!

 Have you noticed that the old emperor is actually very smart.

  From the beginning of the war to the present, the appointment of the coach and the first contribution to the Xiao family have left people speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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