Chapter 1109 Don't tell her
Xie Qinyun had a worried look on her face. If it was a servant of the Xie family who stopped her, she would probably have sent her flying.Because she is Gu Youyou's person, she was patient and said, "How is my father?"

Before Xiang Toon could reply, Gu Youyou's voice came from inside the house.

"Xiang Toon, let her in."

Hearing this, Xiang Toon hurriedly got out of the way, and Xie Qinyun rushed in, and she was relieved when she saw her father sitting on the bed.

The two maids behind her who were holding the child also came in quickly, Xie Qinyun complained: "Father, what are you doing, you should take good care of your body in the cold weather, you see, I thought something happened to you, Busy brought the child to see you."

Mr. Xie snorted, glanced at the child in his arms, and said, "What are you doing with my two grandchildren when you know it's cold? What if they are frozen?"

Xie Qinyun said: "Aren't you worried about you? The King of Qin of our family has already found someone to figure it out. These two children are blessed people. I want to bring the children and bring you a blessing."

Mr. Xie didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the haze on his face suddenly lessened, and he said, "Since you've brought them all here, hurry up and bring them to me to have a look."

Seeing the happy appearance of this family, Gu Youyou retreated out tactfully.

When she arrived in the study, she wrote down the prescription, and asked the servants of Jiefu to prescribe the medicine for Mr. Xie according to the prescription.

Mr. Xie's physical illness is minor, but his mental illness is major.

What people fear most is losing their partner in middle age and losing their children in old age.

I hope he can regain his strength for the sake of Xie Qinyun and his two grandchildren.


When I got back to the mansion, I knew Miss Du wanted to ask.

"What happened to Jiefu?"

Gu Youyou didn't know how to tell her about this. The news of Xie Zhonglin's death would reach Miss Du's ears sooner or later. If it was before, she would have told her without any worries.

But she is now a pregnant woman, telling her that the father of the child is dead, I don't know if she can bear it.

Gu Youyou thought about it, but decided not to tell her yet.

Fortunately, she is avoiding pregnancy now, as long as she gives orders, the news will not reach her ears.

Gu Youyou said: "Master Xie is ill, and he is stubborn and refuses to rest, so he is a little seriously ill."

"Ah, is he now?" Miss Du looked worried.

Gu Youyou said: "It's all right now, I prescribed medicine for him, and Xie Qinyun has returned to her mother's house, and I will personally urge him to rest and take medicine well, it should be fine."

"I..." Miss Du touched her stomach and sighed: "It's a pity that I can't go in this situation, otherwise, I should go and see him. In our two families, only Mr. Xie is the elder."

Gu Youyou twitched the corner of her mouth and said with a smile: "It's okay, Mr. Xie will recover soon. You are heavy now, so you should take a good rest."

Miss Du glanced at Gu Youyou's stomach, laughed too, and said, "You are also heavy now, so you shouldn't rest too. Sigh! The servants of the Xie family are really good, they come to find you if you have something to do You, Mr. Xie is sick, you should have seen an imperial doctor long ago."


The north wind howled, and after half a year of stubborn resistance, the Xining army had reached the end of its strength.

In fact, after fighting for such a long time, most of the soldiers chose to surrender, only a few cronies of the Fifth Prince were stubbornly resisting.

(End of this chapter)

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