Chapter 1110 Don't let him go
Because Jin Zijin asked people to spread rumors, telling the common people in Xining that the Fifth Prince was a traitor and that he was responsible for every crime. He wanted to let the people of Xining know that the court intended to catch the traitor and had no intention of hurting the innocent.

In other words, this battle has nothing to do with the common people.

No one wanted to fight. In the end, the people even broke into the yamen of each government, arrested the people in the yamen and sent them to the imperial barracks to welcome the imperial army into the city.

After tossing for so long, this Xining dispute has finally come to an end.

"Jin Mocong, put down the weapon in your hand and return to Beijing to admit your mistake to the emperor. This is your only way out."

Jin Mocong was forced to the border with Beiping, with a 10,000+ army of Beiping in front, and all kinds of chasing troops blocking his back, he had nowhere to escape.

Jin Mocong was covered in blood, wore a thick fur coat, and held a machete that was common in Xining in his hand.

Snowflakes did not know when they began to dance with the wind, and then fell, dyeing people's clothes and hats white.I believe that it won't be long before this sudden heavy snow will bury the bright red blood all over the ground.

He turned around and shouted loudly to the pursuers: "Is Jin Zijin here? This king wants to be alone with him."

Among the crowd, Jin Zijin was sitting on a black horse, holding a long halberd in his hand.

Hearing this, he patted the horse's belly and took a step forward.

Xiao Jinfei behind him grabbed him and said, "Don't go there, beware of fraud."

Jin Zijin said: "It's okay, he is already at the end of his battle, and he has something to say to me."

Jin Zijin knew what he was going to say to him, and those things were exactly what he was interested in knowing.

Xiao Jinfei sighed and let him go.

Jin Zijin rode towards Jin Mocong. Behind him, Xiao Jinfei raised his hand and said to the soldiers, "Archers are ready."

Even if Jin Zijin said nothing would happen, he was still worried.

Jin Mo Cong came out from the crowd, he didn't ride a horse, because his horse had already been hacked to death in the fight.

Jin Zijin also got off the horse and approached slowly while leading the horse.

The distance between the two of them was one battle, and they were already far away from their main forces.

They stopped and looked at each other.

The battle that lasted half a year, from the scorching summer to the rain and snow, until now, no one has had a hard time.

They all had tired looks on their faces.

Jin Mo Cong said: "From the moment you came to Xining to announce the decree, I knew there would be today. I just don't understand why you want to kill me. You are different from them. You lived in Taoism since childhood."

Jin Zijin looked at him lightly and said, "No, you understand, do you still want me to remind you?"

Jin Mocong was startled suddenly, and after a moment of stupefaction, he smiled wryly and said, "Is it a Taoist dispute?"

Jin Zijin said: "Not all, you are indeed a threat to Zhuzhao Kingdom, because although you did not spread the rumor, but without your promotion, it would not make the rumor spread. And..." Jin Zijin paused After a while, Jin Mo Cong raised his head and looked at him.

He said: "Also, I originally planned to hand you over to the clan's mansion. You are a member of the Jin family. As long as you are willing to change your ways, you will not die. You can spend the rest of your life safely inside the high wall. But you did something to her, I can't bear that."

"Gu Youyou? That female doctor?" Jin Mo Cong suddenly sneered.

"Yes." Jin Zijin was silent for a moment and said, "Do you have anything else to say?"

(End of this chapter)

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