It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1120 The Queen is in a hurry

Chapter 1120 The Queen is in a hurry
Jin Zijin didn't say anything after reading it, and just put the letter in the drawer.

Xiang Toon was very puzzled, so he plucked up the courage to ask: "Where is she going? She always takes advantage of the First Prince's concubine's side to steal and play tricks, won't she go out to play again?"

Xiang Toon doesn't know Lu Yu's real identity, in her view, Lu Yu is just a wild girl with no rules.

Jin Zijin said calmly: "He may not come back in the future, so he told the public...she redeemed herself and returned to her hometown."

"Ah?" Xiang Toon looked completely confused, but didn't say anything more, bowed and backed away.

Gu Youyou told Miss Du that she decided to move to another courtyard with Jin Zijin.

Anyway, this mansion is big enough, there are plenty of yards for them to live in.

Miss Du naturally felt that something was wrong, and said: "How dare I ask your master to give up the place? Let me move out."

Gu Youyou said: "Where are there so many rules? In my opinion, your safety is the most important thing. I will find two craftsmen tomorrow and tell me that this house needs to be repaired. Oh, by the way, replace the study room with glass windows."

Although Miss Du still felt that this was inappropriate, Gu Youyou insisted, and she could only listen to her arrangement.


Two major events happened in the First Prince's mansion. One was that the First Prince suddenly returned in a hurry, and their mistress, instead of gaining weight, was pregnant.

The child is seven months old, but no one knows about it.

It's embarrassing to hide so deeply.

This is a happy event, why did she hide it?The reason why this matter was not revealed sooner, no one with a discerning eye will tell, everyone knows very well.

The eldest prince is not in the capital, she is an ordinary woman with no background, so such a big event as pregnancy must be guarded against.

The queen has no grandchildren yet.

As for the queen, she was furious.

"Gu Youyou is actually pregnant? She is a sick child, she almost lost her life, but she is pregnant? Nanny Li, why didn't anyone tell me about such a big thing? Are they all raised for nothing?"

The queen was so angry that she smashed her favorite glass bottle.

She gets angry when she sees Liuli now.

Nanny Li used to be very calm, but this time she couldn't.

She said: "Empress, Gu Youyou is a doctor herself, she is pregnant, she won't ask for pulse, and now that the weather is cold, she always wraps up in a rice dumpling when she goes out, everyone thinks that her pheasant flew into the phoenix's nest She ate well, so she gained weight, and no one thought she was pregnant."

"With so many people staring at it, no one noticed it?" The queen threw a stack of papers into the stove, all of which were news from her eyeliner.

It's all trivial matters, and no one's eyeliner has mentioned the point.

Nanny Li wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said in a low voice: "Then Gu Youyou is hiding very tightly, she went to Xiguang Residence a few days ago, so many people watched, but no one saw that she was pregnant .”

And it's already seven months, the baby can live after birth.

How could the queen not know?It's just that she underestimated Gu Youyou. She called her into the palace earlier, but she didn't find out that she was pregnant.

This woman was simply a thorn in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it.

"What should I do now? Even Gu Youyou's sick child is pregnant, and King Jin hasn't heard anything yet. The emperor is getting older, and I have been fighting for a lifetime. I can't lose to King Jin because of the infertility of King Jin." They, Nanny Li, you have been with me for decades, you are the longest one, and you are also the person I trust the most, you know, I feel uncomfortable here, and I am not reconciled..."

(End of this chapter)

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