Chapter 1121 Spread the word

With a dejected look on her face, Nanny Li knelt at the Queen's feet and lamented, "Your Majesty, for the present plan, we can only let that poison doctor try it out. Regardless of whether we can be emperors or not, our King Jin can't cut off the heir. That daughter Poison medicine is dangerous, but it’s better than no hope, right? Traditional Chinese medicine is three-point poisonous, even if you take a medicine for a common illness, it’s still risky.”

Gu Youyou was pregnant, so the queen couldn't sit still. Hearing what Li Nanny said, she was naturally very moved.

Although it would be very dangerous for the poison doctor to be placed next to her son, she couldn't care less when she thought that she might be able to hold her grandson.

The queen's eyes darkened, and she said: "Okay, just do as the nanny said. But you have to think about how to do this to be fair. I'm afraid it's not easy to ask for someone with Gu Youyou."

Nanny Li smiled treacherously, and she said: "Empress, you are thinking too complicated. Don't forget, Circe's previous name was Lu Xueying. It's not Gu Youyou's decision to agree or disagree on this matter. It was Mrs. Lu and General Lu.

General Lu is going back to court in just two days, so why didn't the queen talk about it while everyone was happy during the celebration banquet? "

The queen's eyes lit up, and she felt that Nanny Li was getting smarter with age.

She really complied with that sentence, Jiang is still old and hot.


The queen was almost dead when she heard the news that Gu Youyou was pregnant, but the emperor was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear.

Eunuch Wan saw it in his eyes and knew it in his heart.

Among the three princes, it seems that the eldest prince is the most favored by the emperor.

Qin Wang's side concubine gave birth to twin sons and never saw him so happy.

The emperor was so happy that he ate an extra bowl of rice.

"Wan Decheng, drive Chengqian Palace."

Eunuch Wan was confused again, the emperor ran to Chengqian Palace when he was happy, and ran to Chengqian Palace when he was unhappy.The eldest concubine is pregnant, the emperor is naturally happy, but this seems to be not a happy event for the noble concubine, what do you mean by going to Chengqian Palace to announce the good news?
The emperor said a few words with Concubine Sheng, and then backed away.

With the door closed, the atmosphere of love and affection between the two disappeared, and it immediately became another picture.

"Your Majesty!" Concubine Sheng knelt down.

The emperor is really happy today, and at the same time, it reminded him of some regrettable things.

He said: "Prepare the incense sticks and paper money, and set off for the imperial mausoleum tomorrow, and tell Qin'er about the happy event. She will be very happy. Tell her that I can't visit him for the time being. After the new year, I will personally Go see him."

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, but the emperor can't wait that long, he can't wait for her to know about this happy event.

"The slaves obey."

Concubine Sheng was delighted, but with a trace of loss and worry.

Although King Qin is not her own son, but in order to act more realistically, she really takes care of him as her own son.

Raising a kitten and puppy still has feelings, let alone a son who has loved him for so many years.

I just hope that he is really what he looks like on the surface, and has no intention of competing with the emperor.

No matter how good the emperor treats them, it is only to suppress the queen and the king of Jin.But don't think that your mother is a favorite concubine and you are the emperor's most beloved child, so you can think about things that don't belong to you.

The emperor didn't notice the strangeness of Concubine Sheng. With Concubine Sheng, it was his and Xiao Qin'er's world.He could tell Concubine Sheng without hesitation about a man's love for a woman, a husband's longing for a dead wife.

(End of this chapter)

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