Chapter 1141 Back to Lingnan

That's right, there has been no news of pregnancy news in Prince Jin's Mansion, so many women can't conceive, who said that all these women have problems?That's probably because King Jin has a problem.

In this way, it would be hard for them to say anything, Madam Lin said to Lin Qianqing: "Then you should be smart, don't provoke King Jin at this moment, and stay away from him. Big girl, your husband and others It's different, if you marry an ordinary person, if you are bullied, mother can help you bully back. But the men of the royal family are noble, and we, the courtiers, have to admit it."

Lin Qianqing forced a smile and said, "Don't worry, mother, I will."

The side concubine Zhang is in charge of the affairs of the mansion, and she has to arrange a meal. Mrs. Lin gets angry when she thinks that the side concubine is overpowering the main concubine, so Lin Qianqing asked them to eat before leaving, but she refused. .

Lin Qianqing could only sigh helplessly.

After seeing off the two wives of the Lin family, Concubine Zhang leaned against the waterside pavilion that Lin Qianqing had to pass on her way back to her yard, and said in a misfortune, "Sister Wangfei, why don't you leave Mrs. Lin and Mrs. Lin for a meal before leaving?" , Is it okay to dislike the food in our Prince Jin Mansion?"

Lin Qianqing sneered and said, "Of course they won't eat the food you make up for."

Concubine Zhang's face froze, she looked at Lin Qianqing's back that was gradually moving away and said angrily: "You are not convinced by the title of concubine by the prince, are you? Take it back if you have the ability."

Lin Qianqing stopped, turned her head and said, "Yelling, is this how Zhang's daughter was raised?"

Concubine Zhang's anger is better than education?Comparing education with her?Her Zhang family's upbringing has never lost to any family in the capital.

Lin Qianqing smiled lightly and said, "The booklet will be placed with you first, but be careful not to damage it. If it is damaged, you will not be able to pay for it."

Concubine Zhang gritted her teeth and snorted coldly: "Lin Qianqing, don't be complacent, one day I will have that book printed with my name on it."

Lin Qianqing laughed and said, "Okay, I'll wait for that day. I'm generous, and I'll let you in on the news. The queen said that whoever gets pregnant first in our courtyard will be the concubine. You have the time If you are arguing with me, why don't you go and see how those noble concubines do it, don't let the concubines take the lead, it will be funny."

Concubine Zhang showed excitement on her face, and turned around to go to King Jin's courtyard.


More than a month later, the spring snow began to melt slowly, and Yue Ruxue and Yi Qiuping were going back to Lingnan. Before they left, they still came to the First Prince's Mansion to bid farewell to Jin Zijin.

The relationship between Jin Zijin and Yue's family should not be frozen because of a snowy month.

So Jin Zijin is still very generous to practice for them.

This time Yue Rujing was still there, so he had to keep an eye on his sister so that nothing would happen again.

"Big Brother, Eldest Prince, that subject will return to Lingnan with Axue."

Jin Zijin held the wine glass and said with a smile: "Okay, have another glass of wine."

Jin Zijin usually doesn't drink alcohol, but if he is willing to toast to Yi Qiuping, it is to give him enough face.

Yue Rujing laughed, and said to Yi Qiuping: "Axue is spoiled too much by her parents, she is ignorant, you should be more tolerant of everything."

Gu Youyou didn't come out today, Yue Ruxue seemed to be in a good mood.Without Gu Youyou's big belly to stimulate her, she is still a very normal person. When she heard her elder brother say something wrong with her, she didn't turn her face, she just smiled and said: "Elder brother, hurry up and finish the Daozong affairs. Parents and mothers are all concerned." Waiting for you to return to Lingnan, they want to hold grandchildren."

(End of this chapter)

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