Chapter 1142
Yue Rujing's expression froze, and she said, "Why don't you hurry up and give birth to let them hug you?"

"I..." Yue Ruxue blushed instantly when he said that, how could a big brother make fun of him like this.

"How can my birth be the same? That's also Yi, and it has nothing to do with Yue."

After she finished speaking, she got on the horse angrily, which eased the atmosphere.

Yi Qiu also put on a smile on the plane, when she said that the child's surname is Yi.

Maybe it's time for them to calm down and have a baby.

"Axue is becoming more and more ignorant, girls are extroverted." Yue Rujing smiled lightly and shook her head.

Although he said so on his mouth, he felt relieved in his heart.

He was afraid that Yue Ruxue's thoughts were still on her senior brother, so it seemed that she had already let go.

Seeing the two horses, one black and one white, going farther and farther until they were too far to be seen, Yue Rujing retracted her gaze, and her eyes fell on Jin Zijin. She was really curious, so she boldly asked: "Who is the pregnant woman that Axue said she saw? You..."

Anyway, he didn't believe that there was something wrong with the relationship between Jin Zijin and Gu Youyou.

Jin Zijin turned to look at him, and said calmly, "That's Miss Du, the child belongs to Xie Zhonglin, don't tell it."

After speaking, he also got on his horse and rushed back to the city.

Yue Rujing was left alone on the spot.

"Chaos, it's too messy," he said.

He had also heard about Miss Du's matter, such a sensational event, she was No. 1 in the capital who reconciled with her husband.

Didn't both of them reconcile?Why are you pregnant again?

I'm pregnant, and I'm still hiding in my senior brother's house, which is plainly misleading.

Hey, that's not right, wasn't Xie Zhonglin hacked to death with random knives?

Oops, another poor woman.


Miss Du is about to give birth.

Gu Youyou directed Xiang Toon and Cui Ya to help with her big belly.

In the eldest prince's mansion, there are not many people who know Miss Du, and they are the only ones who can use her.

Gu Youyou couldn't deliver the baby for Miss Du in this state, but in her situation, she couldn't ask for a steady wife, so she could only deliver the baby for her.

But as soon as Circe heard about it, she brought the surgical instruments, the scalpel gripped tightly, and looked confident.

"Miss Du is so loud, she definitely won't cooperate, I'll give her an anesthetic first."

Gu Youyou rolled her eyes and said, "Who told you to take the scalpel, you don't need it."

"Isn't that how you delivered the baby to King Qin's side concubine last time?"

"She was in a special situation. She was drugged and couldn't give birth by herself."

Circe has never given birth to anyone. Gu Youyou asked her to learn it last time. She thought that with her smart mind, she would definitely be able to see it once. But now that Gu Youyou said that she didn't need to use a knife, she wouldn't up.

"Then what to do."

Gu Youyou was very speechless. She stood by the bed with her big belly, and said to Circe: "Miss Du's fetal position is very upright, and her physical condition is also very good. She can give birth naturally in this condition."

Gu Youyou felt that she couldn't explain clearly just by talking, so she said: "Forget it, forget it, you should watch it first, let her give birth by herself, if she can't give birth by herself, you can help."

Miss Du's stomach hurts intermittently, Gu Youyou bent down with difficulty, put on the sterilized gloves to help her see if she could exert force.

The distance from the mouth of the palace is not enough, Gu Youyou shook her head and said: "Be patient, you can't use your strength now, save your strength and use it when you can use it."

 finally give birth

(End of this chapter)

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