Chapter 1155 She gave birth

Doctor Li stepped forward to check Gu Youyou's pulse first, and he asked, "Elder Imperial Concubine, where do you feel unwell?"

Gu Youyou said: "Look first, I may be a little weak."

Doctor Li said after taking the pulse: "You are indeed weak in qi and blood." Seeing that Gu Youyou's stomach had deflated, he hurriedly said, "Elder Imperial Concubine, have you given birth?"

Gu Youyou smiled lightly and nodded, "Yes, I was born this morning, do you think my body is normal?"

Doctor Li hurriedly said: "Normal, this is normal. It is normal for a woman who has just given birth to have weak Qi and blood. You just need to take good care of your body. The old man will prescribe a prescription for you, you..."


Before Li Taiyi could speak, the queen couldn't help but raged.

Doctor Li was scolded inexplicably, but seeing the queen's face, which was uglier than the bottom of the pot, he finally said nothing, and just stayed there honestly, not mentioning the matter of prescribing the prescription again.

Then, another doctor came, the uncle of Dr. Cui, Imperial Physician Cui.

After he checked Gu Youyou's pulse, he didn't dare to say anything.

He glanced at the emperor, at the queen, and looked at Gu Youyou with a bitter face.

What kind of riddle is this playing?How should I say it?

The emperor asked: "Doctor Cui, how is the eldest princess?"

Doctor Cui had a bitter face, he felt that this was not a matter of the eldest princess's health, but a matter of what to say.

The key is what do the emperor and queen want to hear?

Gu Youyou smiled and said to him: "Doctor Cui, if you have something to say, just talk about my physical condition."

But just now Li Taiyi was scolded for telling the truth?
Imperial Physician Cui wiped off his sweat, glanced at Imperial Physician Li, and said to the emperor: "The First Concubine...that's..." Seeing the queen's unkind eyes staring at him, Imperial Physician Cui hurriedly changed his words: "The First Concubine... There is nothing serious about the body, it is normal for a woman to have some weakness of qi and blood, especially for a woman who has just given birth, it will be fine if it is recuperated."

The queen swallowed his heart alive, and said sharply: "You can see clearly, has she just given birth to a child?"

Imperial Physician Cui didn't know what he said was wrong, all the imperial physicians behind were also confused, they all stretched their heads to look at Gu Youyou's stomach.

The stomach is obviously deflated. Could it be that the clothes are not obvious?
The next imperial physician doesn't need the emperor to speak, he will come forward first and feel Gu Youyou's pulse.

After a while, he let go of Gu Youyou's hand, and stretched out to look at his stomach. He didn't dare, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "Empress, the eldest concubine has given birth. Her stomach...although it's still a little big, it will slowly grow." She recovered, and now the child is indeed not in her womb."

Everyone nodded and nodded.

The queen was angry and said angrily: "She Gu Youyou has never been pregnant from the beginning to the end, of course the child is not in her stomach, what do you all think?"


As soon as the queen said this, all the imperial doctors were shocked.

How can it be?

Can such a thing be joked?

Moreover, Gu Youyou's weak pulse at this time is obviously a symptom of a great loss of energy, just after giving birth to a child.

The emperor asked lightly: "Is what the queen said true?"

The imperial doctors looked left and right, and seemed to have guessed something.

The empress wanted to take this opportunity to bring down the eldest princess, but if she could fake anything else, could she fake having a baby?

(End of this chapter)

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