Chapter 1156

Now that they understood what the queen meant, the imperial physicians felt relieved.

Imperial Physician Cui boldly stood up and said: "Back to the emperor, empress, you can't fake whether you have a baby or not, and the old minister dare not speak nonsense. The pulse of the first princess is indeed just after giving birth, and... If the queen doesn't believe it, You can take a look at her belly for yourself, you won’t be able to go back with a stretched belly without recovering from the confinement period, and there are stretch marks, these are all fakes.”

He thought it was ridiculous, how could the queen say such ridiculous things.

The other imperial physicians felt that what Imperial physician Cui said was reasonable, and they all nodded in agreement.

The queen's complexion was not very good-looking. Looking at the appearance of these imperial doctors, she began to doubt the authenticity of the matter.

Is it really as they say?

No, she doesn't believe it, Gu Youyou is a doctor, she must have used some means to create the illusion of giving birth, there is no such a coincidence.

And her friend, a pregnant woman, it's not good for you to hide, how could you hide in your own home and leave so many clues.

The emperor hummed, looked at the empress with a bad complexion, and said, "Want to see?"

The queen nodded lightly, and said to her most trusted Nanny Li, "Mother Li, check the eldest princess's body."

"Yes, empress!"

Gu Youyou entered the inner room with the support of Xiang Toon, the atmosphere in the outer room was very strange.

Those imperial physicians didn't know what to say, they all looked at the queen strangely.

Soon the people in the house came out, Gu Youyou was still supported by Xiang Toon, and Nanny Li's complexion was pale.

She glanced at the queen, who had already seen the answer in her eyes.

"Mother Li, how are you?" the emperor asked.

Nanny Li knelt down and replied in a low voice: "The eldest concubine... is indeed a sign of childbirth..."

The queen's face was pale, and she froze on the spot for a moment.

The emperor smiled sarcastically, and asked the empress, "Empress, what else can you say?"

"I..." The queen shook her head and said, "No, it's impossible, Gu Youyou must have used some method to create the illusion of pregnancy and childbirth on her body."

On the other side, Nanny Li also said loudly: "Yes, Your Majesty, when the eldest concubine was still Miss Lin's cousin, one time the slaves went to the Lin residence and saw that Mrs. Lin was punishing the eldest concubine because she I painted a makeup and turned into another person. Think about it, she can even change her face into another person, let alone create an illusion of pregnancy."

The imperial physicians looked at Gu Youyou sympathetically, and said in their hearts: It seems that the queen insisted on her this time, but they all know that changing her face is on the skin, and whether she has a child or not is a matter in the body, how can she pretend to be like this? ?

Even if it is called Dr. Cui, it is meaningless. It depends on the emperor's attitude and who he believes.

"Yuyou, what do you say?"

The emperor didn't seem to favor anyone, letting them hold their own.

Gu Youyou looked at the queen who had already started to panic, and said: "You can pull out such a ridiculous reason, Youyou really admires it. The queen can say that the black is white, and the dead can be said to be alive by her. What can I ask my son to say? My son has nothing to say."

The queen was so excited that she almost burst out laughing, she pointed at Gu Youyou and said, "Your Majesty, look, she admitted it. Gu Youyou borrowed her belly to give birth to a child, intending to disturb the royal blood, so she cannot be spared lightly. Come, take her Down!"

"Wait!" At this moment, a woman's weak voice sounded from the inner room.

(End of this chapter)

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