Chapter 1158 Miss Du came out
He is the eldest son, the righteous prince, and he has been sitting for many years.

But because he lost his mother's protection when he was young, and his favorite concubine was in power, which eliminated the influence of his mother's natal family, he was weak at that time.Including the catastrophe encountered by the Grand Master's Mansion, it is all related to the battle for the heir apparent.

He couldn't protect her. If she stayed, she would only die, let alone their child.

So he personally set up a trap to force her to flee the capital for the sake of the child and go to the south to find Yue Tingfang.

He tried his best to protect her from being hunted down one after another, and only then did he meet Yue Tingfang smoothly.

Including arranging for her to escape to Qishan and letting Tianjizi take them in, this is all a deal he made with Tianjizi at a huge price...

"Your Majesty..." Eunuch Wan saw that something was wrong with the Emperor, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Wan Decheng's voice brought the emperor back to reality. Seeing that the eyes of everyone in the room were on him, he hurriedly restrained his extroverted emotions, and said in a low voice: "It's nothing, I just lament that I am old, I really envy you." This newborn baby, this life has just begun."

People who are emperors, who don't want to live forever, don't care about longevity or anything, they think about long live, long live every day, so everyone quickly forgets about the emperor's strangeness.

"Hold it back, he wants to sleep." The emperor gave the child to Xiang Toon again.

In fact, he still wants to name the child, but under the circumstances, it is not suitable.

He was the one who gave Jin Zijin's name and characters back then, and he secretly let someone tell Tianjizi, so everyone thought it was Tianjizi who gave it up.

Although he was not able to see his birth appearance, but at least he came up with his name. Thinking of this, the emperor's mood improved again.

The emperor sat down again, and his eyes fell on the disheveled Miss Du who was kneeling on the ground.

He said: "Miss Du, since you have just given birth, don't kneel down, get up and talk, and sit down."

"The daughter of the people thanked the emperor."

The queen was beside the emperor, looking at Gu Youyou and Miss Du coldly.

These two women got together and opened an embroidery building together?

She wants to see what to say about this unmarried pregnancy.

"Miss Du, I remember that you reconciled with the second husband of the Xie family a few years ago, and you have never remarried all these years, so where did your child come from?"


"Hmph, if you commit adultery, do you know what will happen to you?"

Gu Youyou looked at Miss Du worriedly, the only one who could save her was Xie Zhonglin, but she didn't know that Xie Zhonglin was dead.

But even so, Gu Youyou must keep her today, and not let Miss Du die so unclearly.

If Miss Du insisted that she was forced, she might still be saved, but her reputation would be ruined from then on.

It was all caused by the empress. She had arranged for them perfectly, but the empress came to intervene.

"No... no, this child belongs to a commoner girl, I..."

Miss Du couldn't argue with her words, and Gu Youyou could only worry about her, wishing she could speak for her.

In order to delay time, she could only change the subject.

"Dare to ask why the queen mother came to the mansion suddenly today? Could it be for some purpose?"

The queen's eyes flashed, and seeing Gu Youyou's expression with a bit of sarcasm, she said lightly: "Someone reported that you were hiding filth in the mansion, and even found someone to borrow your belly to have a child."

(End of this chapter)

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