Chapter 1159 bite and hold on
Gu Youyou smiled, looked at her so-called witnesses, and said, "So you put so many eyeliners in the mansion to monitor us?"

The maids were quite frightened when they heard this, for it is a taboo to be unfaithful to the master.

And in the same way, it is also taboo for the empress to arrange someone to monitor the eldest prince's mansion.

The queen's complexion changed slightly, and she said sharply: "Don't talk nonsense, the one who reported to me that you gave birth in a womb is the young lady of the Yue family. You know exactly how you drove them out."

Gu Youyou scolded Yue Ruxue all over while grinding her back teeth, and said: "Yue Ruxue has been away from the capital for many days, why didn't the queen mother come earlier, but waited until now."

Because Jin Zijin was only tricked out today, she naturally couldn't say such a thing, so she said: "It's a big matter to give birth to a child in the womb. Of course, I can't believe it casually, so I secretly investigate. These maids are all investigated by me secretly. For example, it wasn’t until last night when it was reported that a woman gave birth in your residence that I felt that the evidence was convincing!”

Gu Youyou smiled and said: "That's indeed the empress mother's worry. Fortunately, the truth is revealed now, which proves that Erchen didn't give birth to a child through his belly."

"Hmph..." The queen snorted coldly and said, "Is it hard to say, but Miss Du, you gave birth out of wedlock, how do you explain it? If there is no reasonable explanation, your newborn child and yourself are both Can't survive."

Pulling it back again, Miss Du's complexion turned pale, and she instinctively glanced into the room.

The newborn son was so cute, nothing she said could make her die inexplicably.

"Whose scoundrel? Miss Du, if you tell the truth, you can still keep the whole body."

Gu Youyou stood up, stood in front of Miss Du, and said to the queen: "Mother, as the mother of a country, you are afraid that it is inappropriate to ask private matters such as folk women?"

The emperor rubbed his tired temples, and said: "Miss Du will be handled by the yamen, empress, you should not participate in this matter. I am also tired today, so go back to the palace!"

"Your Majesty, what about Gu Youyou?" The queen did this for Gu Youyou. She is fine now, so how could the queen be willing?
The emperor looked at the queen quietly, and said: "Then what do you want to do? The imperial physician can prove that the child was born by Gu Youyou. She took in Miss Du because of the friendship between friends. As for the two children coming out on the same day, they will It also explained the reason. And what you said, Yoyo used unknown means to create a false appearance of childbirth, what evidence do you have? Empress, I hope you can understand the truth of when to stop."

After coming for so long, the emperor still couldn't see Jin Zijin coming back, the emperor couldn't help but worry.

After thinking about it, he sat back again, so why not just let her continue to mess around, procrastinate for time, wait for Zijin to come back, and hand over his wife and children to him in person.

Also let him learn a lesson, don't listen to the wind and rain, and fall into someone's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

Seeing that Gu Youyou could not be brought down today, the queen was so angry that her face turned livid.

Anyway, she didn't believe that the child was born by Gu Youyou, and the shaky looking Miss Du looked like she had given birth to a child.But Gu Youyou seemed like a normal person, she was tired of delivering babies all night, and then she gave birth herself, so it was too easy for her to give birth?
Gu Youyou was not in good health, that's why she still refused to believe it.

A guard ran in hastily from outside, looking flustered.

(End of this chapter)

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