It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1163 King Jin Can't Live

Chapter 1163 King Jin Can't Live

The queen's complexion changed, and she said: "What can't you do? You can do it by borrowing your womb, I..."

"Enough!" The emperor, who had always been gentle and never said harsh words, suddenly let out a loud voice.

He threw those notes on the queen's face, and said angrily: "The play you arranged today, do you really think that I am blind? She just gave birth to a child. As for you being so jealous, you have to be so jealous." It is necessary to arrange a scene of giving birth to a child.

You said you didn't make these notes, so do you mean that they made them on purpose to slander you?Whether it is slander or not, you know very well in your heart. "

"I..." The Queen panicked and said: "Your Majesty, if the concubine says that the concubine is really wronged, can you believe it?" She shook her head and said, "No, you don't believe me, you have changed since he came back , although you were partial in the past and always helped the King of Qin, but between the concubine and Sheng Qiaoyue, you could still be fair, but since he came back, you have favored him everywhere.

I know you feel guilty towards him and Xiao Qin'er, but you can't follow him in everything. After all, the concubine is the mother of a country, how can you let him slander the concubine?You say I'm jealous that Gu Youyou gave birth to a son, so should I be even more jealous of Qin Wang's side concubine, she gave birth to two in one go. "

At this time, Gu Youyou came out of that room again.

She didn't want to come out, but there was one thing, it wouldn't work without her.

Jin Zijin hurriedly stepped forward to support her, complaining, "Didn't I tell you not to let you out? Why did you come out again?"

Gu Youyou smiled lightly at him, patted the back of his hand to reassure him, and said to the queen: "Because our child is the grandson of the emperor, and King Jin will never give birth to an emperor's heir. In the position of prince Before you make it clear, you can't watch us give birth to a grandson."

Gu Youyou's words pierced into the Queen's heart like sharp thorns.

King Jin's lack of heirs is her heart disease.

The others present were also shocked.

But after thinking about it carefully, I think it makes sense. For so long, there has been no news of a pregnancy in Prince Jin's mansion.

It's hard for outsiders to say, but there is another possibility, that is, the women in the Prince Jin's mansion fought fiercely, and if they got it, they lost it. That family's ugliness should not be publicized.

But since Gu Youyou decided that King Jin is not good enough, it probably is. Gu Youyou is a genius doctor.

"Xiao Ran can't have children?" The emperor asked the queen in surprise, his complexion pale.

The queen's face was already pale, she shook her head and said: "No, how is it possible." She smiled stiffly and said: "Your Majesty, don't listen to her, Gu Youyou has always been uneasy and kind, she is talking nonsense."

The emperor said: "Then why hasn't there been any news of a pregnancy in Prince Jin's mansion for so long?"

"He...Xiao Ran, he is devoted to state affairs and loves to study. He is still young and has no intention of having any heirs. The courtiers will speak well of him, and there will be one soon." The Queen tried her best to explain.

She must not make people think that King Jin is sterile.

The emperor said lightly: "That's better for people to see."

The emperor looked at the imperial physicians standing in the corner and said, "Tomorrow, you all go to Prince Jin's mansion and show Prince Jin a look."

"No, there's no need, King Jin is fine, what kind of imperial doctor are you seeing?" The queen looked nervous.

"It's better to have a look." The emperor sighed.

The queen's face was pale, and she glared at Gu Youyou resentfully.

Nanny Li hurriedly supported the queen so that she would not fall.

King Jin has already been seen by an imperial doctor. He wanted to say something, but he hesitated and dared not say it.

(End of this chapter)

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