Chapter 1164 is not the time
The emperor saw his abnormality, and said: "Mr. Li, you have something to say."

Doctor Li had already been named, so he had no choice but to stand up.

"Your majesty, go back to your majesty. I showed King Jin once last year. He" Looking at the queen's cannibalistic eyes, he didn't dare, and was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Heart said: It's really unlucky, why is it him!

"Like what?" The emperor's eyes flashed sharply.

Doctor Li had no choice but to say: "At that time, the minister could see that there was indeed something wrong with King Jin, and he knew it himself, so he didn't let the minister talk about it."

The queen staggered a step and finally passed out.

The room was in chaos, the maids helped the queen to lie down on a chair, and the imperial physicians felt her pulse and pressed her heart, they were very busy.

But the queen just won't wake up, and she won't wake up even if everyone is crushed.

Gu Youyou felt that she would not wake up, and it was really poisonous to pretend to faint in front of so many imperial doctors.

Although everyone knew that she was faking dizziness, but she couldn't help it if she didn't wake up.

After that, no one dared to pinch her. What if she woke up to settle accounts?
The emperor felt a headache and said: "Take the queen back first."

Jin Zijin stared at them coldly, and whispered in front of the emperor, "I won't just let it go."

The words were not loud, but half the people in the room could have heard them, but they could only pretend not to hear them.

This farce ended with the empress, the protagonist who provoked the incident, fainted.

Everyone went out, the emperor stopped, and whispered to Jin Zijin when he passed by: "It's easy to bring her down, but it's hard to bring down the people behind her. Now is not the time, just teach me a lesson."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance." Jin Zijin said with a sneer.


When the emperor left, he took away all the people brought by the empress, and the eldest prince's mansion finally returned to calm.

But those eyeliners left by the queens were not so easy to escape. They were all sent to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

After this accident, cleaning up those unclean people in the mansion did not suffer a loss. At least, it will be difficult for the queen to know if there is any movement in the mansion in the future.

Miss Du rearranged and sat in the flower hall with the child in her arms, Cui Ya stood beside her.

Cui Ya's face was swollen from the beating, and it is still black and blue.

Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin were also there, as well as Mr. Xie.

Mr. Xie just listened to Circe's words, which was not complete.

He asked anxiously, "What's going on?"

Miss Du looked hopeless, staring blankly at the floor, holding the infant tightly.

Cuiya cried and said, "Master, the child belongs to the second young master. They were in Xining at that time, and the second young master saved us once."

"Then why didn't you go back to Jiefu, why did you come here to the eldest princess?"

Cui Ya said: "Miss is afraid that you will rob the child, so I dare not speak."

"What's this called? What is snatching a child?"

"Miss wants this child to be named Du, so that he can be regarded as the root of the Du family. It was the second young master who forced the young lady, and the young lady didn't want to."

With that said, Mr. Xie will understand.

But what can I say?Everyone died.

Today's young people, he really can't understand, besides hurting his mind alone, he still hurts his mind alone.

He wanted to hug the grandson in Miss Du's arms to take a look, but he didn't dare.

(End of this chapter)

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