It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1165 Thinking about the way back

Chapter 1165 Thinking about the way back

He was afraid that once he hugged her, he couldn't help but want to snatch her away.

When a woman gives birth to a child, she has no right to raise the child. The child must be in the Xie family.But it would be too cruel for her to do that.

She has no relatives anymore, this child is her only relative, and she still has a son and a daughter.

That's all, it's all bad luck.

Master Xie got up exhausted, saluted Gu Youyou and Jin Zijin, and walked out with hobbled steps.

Every step is extremely heavy.

Gu Youyou sighed, and said to Cui Ya: "Don't go back in a hurry, wait until your young lady finishes confinement before leaving."

"Okay, thank you First Prince and First Princess for taking me in."

Cui Ya helped Miss Du go back, seeing Miss Du's appearance, Gu Youyou didn't say much.

She needs some time to digest this matter, and it's useless to push too hard.

After another day of work, Gu Youyou yawned.

"I'm going to see if the little guy is awake."

Newborn babies are always very sleepy. He has just had a milk, and now he is asleep again.

Jin Zijin sighed: "You always think about others in everything, and you owe yourself. Do you want me to remind you what your body looks like? Why do you make yourself so tired again?"

Gu Youyou was stunned.

Then Jin Zijin hugged her without waiting for her to say anything else.

He said, "I'll take you back to rest first, and I'll take a look later."

"He'll be hungry when he wakes up." Gu Youyou said.

"Don't worry, he won't be hungry, there is a nanny."


In the rising sun, the imperial physicians were ordered to form a group to see a doctor in Prince Jin's mansion, but before them, the empress went there in a hurry.

Such a shameful thing can't be stopped, and she can hardly predict what will happen next.

King Jin is infertile. Once this matter is exposed, all those who support King Jin will stay away from them. It is even more impossible for the emperor to hand over the world to a King Jin who has no descendants.

She has been in business for many years, and the Duke's Mansion has supported it with all its strength behind it for many years. How can she be worthy of the Duke's Mansion, which puts all hopes in the hands of their mother and son?

The queen sat in the carriage, her face pale.

Nanny Li sighed softly: "Your Majesty, please relax, you have to think of a way."

"Oh, it's easy to say, think of a way? If you can't have a child, you can't have a child. What else can you think of?"

Nanny Li and the queen were grasshoppers on the same rope. The queen was anxious, and she was also very anxious.

Thinking of this, she gritted her teeth and said, "Even if our Prince Jin has a problem, the imperial doctor cannot let him think that he is infertile."

The queen raised her eyebrows and said, "What do you mean?"

Nanny Li gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "Let's go to Prince Jin's mansion to make arrangements first, let the imperial physicians diagnose it first, if infertility is diagnosed, we will force them to admit that Prince Jin is only temporarily ill and can be cured. "

The queen said weakly: "This is just a trick that can be concealed for a while, but not forever."

Nanny Li continued: "If it really doesn't work, we'll let the women in Prince Jin's Mansion give birth to children."

"How?" The queen suddenly sat up straight.

"As long as there is the blood of the Duke's Mansion, who is born? As long as the old man doesn't mind, why should we..."

The queen hurriedly covered Nanny Li's mouth, and said, "It's a very important matter, I have to think about it."

Li Momo hurriedly said: "Empress, this is our last way. If our King Jin really can't do it, this is the only way to keep King Jin, your empress, and the glory and wealth of the Duke's Mansion." .

(End of this chapter)

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