Chapter 1170 Poisoned

After reading it, his expression became more serious.

Then the third place, still the same.

The queen saw that something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Doctor Cui, is something wrong?"

Doctor Cui stood up and cupped his hands to the queen, saying: "Madam queen, maybe His Royal Highness Prince Jin has no heirs, and it really has nothing to do with King Jin."

"What?" The queen froze on the spot.

The women were all stunned on the spot.

Nanny Li sighed in bewilderment, thinking it was impossible!

A woman standing next to Imperial Physician Hu clenched her hand almost imperceptibly.

Don't panic, especially at this time, the more you can't panic.

"What did you say?" The queen couldn't believe her ears.

"Empress, the minister said, perhaps the reason why His Royal Highness King Jin has no heirs really isn't on King Jin."

Although the queen was extremely reluctant to admit that her son was infertile, she had already determined that King Jin was infertile in her heart.

But now the imperial physician's words rekindled her hope.

"What does it mean that the cause does not lie with King Jin, Imperial Physician Cui, please explain clearly."

King Jin was stunned for a while, and hurried to Imperial Physician Cui, anxiously said, "What's going on?"

Everyone stared at Imperial Physician Cui, but Imperial Physician Cui had mixed feelings in his heart.

He glanced around at the women in the room, and felt that these women were really pitiful and pathetic.

But as a doctor, he doesn't care about the pickles between the women in the back house, he only says what he should say, and only does what he should do.

He said: "Fang Caichen saw the doctor of Princess Jin and the two wives, and found a problem."

"What's the problem?" King Jin was extremely nervous.

He couldn't give birth to a child, he also wondered.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with him, but what if these women couldn't conceive children?
According to Dr. Cui, everyone can't have children, and there really is a reason.

"They are poisoned!"

As soon as the words came out, the audience was in an uproar.

"This kind of poison has no harm to the body of the poisoned person itself, but it will cause them to be infertile. At first, the symptoms are not obvious, and there is no abnormality except that they cannot conceive. But as the poisoning time lasts, the poisoning becomes deeper. Some superficial toxic features can be found, such as the abnormal color of their upper jaw."

After hearing what Cui Taiyi said, those women began to look at each other with their mouths wide open.

"Hey, your palate is white with a layer of bruise on it."

"So are yours."

"So is yours, oops, we're really poisoned."

"Yeah, who is so vicious and poisoned us all so that none of us can have children."

The queen was so angry that her veins burst out, she said angrily: "Who is it? Who dares to plot against me?"

Seeing that Sheng Qiaoyue has reported her grandson, but she doesn't even have a grandson.It's fine if there is nothing, and it was revealed that his son was suffering from infertility. After a series of blows, God knows how many nights she has been unable to sleep.

Well now, I got the truth that she has no grandchildren.

The queen has plotted against others all her life, and now someone dares to plot against her, she can't bear it, she must pull this person out and cut him to pieces.

After the queen yelled sharply, everyone in the hall was scared by her appearance and dared not speak. They all stood still and did not dare to move or make a sound.

The queen's sharp eyes swept over everyone one by one. How could there be any gentleness in a face?Now, twisted like a life-threatening ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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