Chapter 1171 There are three

Nanny Li stood beside the queen, and after seeing everyone, she said to the queen in a low voice: "Let the imperial physicians see, whoever is not poisoned is the most suspicious."

"Yes, whoever is not poisoned is the one." The queen was so angry that she was confused, and she gradually calmed down after Madam Li reminded her.

She sat back on the chair and stared at the women in the room indifferently.

Except for the three Lin Qianqing who had just been examined, the other women all lined up for the imperial doctor to see.

Lin Qianqing was still a little indifferent, but when she heard that everyone was poisoned, she seemed a little surprised, and then her eyes fell on another person with a calm expression.

"How could someone harm us like this, it's really vicious."

The women in the room are still whispering, this is a matter that concerns everyone, you know, a woman’s youth is only a few years, after Zhaohua, these women without a strong identity background, no children around, In this life, I will slowly wait to die alone in this mansion, so no one can calm down.

"Small..." Everyone was very nervous, and Doctor Li uttered a snort, which attracted everyone's attention.

"What's wrong?" The queen stood up immediately.

Standing in front of Imperial Physician Li was Concubine Zhang.

Doctor Li looked at Concubine Zhang with complicated eyes, then turned to the queen and said, "Your Majesty, Concubine Zhang has no signs of being poisoned."

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone's eyes fell on Concubine Zhang.

Some were surprised, some were resentful, and the queen was naturally furious.

She walked down disregarding her image, slapped side concubine Zhang on the face, and said angrily: "Bitch, it's a waste of all my painstaking efforts for you, but you actually made King Jin childless."

King Jin had a look of disbelief.

It must be said that King Jin didn't like this side concubine very much at the beginning. Although she is very beautiful and has a good literary talent, and her reputation ranks first among the ladies in the capital, King Jin doesn't like it a bit. With no skills, coupled with male chauvinism, he couldn't stand a woman who spoke out and sang poems all day long. In comparison, he felt that Lin Qianqing, a silly cousin who didn't understand romance, was cuter than her.

But she is smart, she quickly figured out the preferences of King Jin, and then followed suit.

A lady on the outside, and a slut on the inside, King Jin likes to look like a slut.

That's why King Jin, who had tasted the taste, loved her, so he handed over the power of the housekeeper of Prince Jin's mansion to her, but he didn't think that she was the woman who harmed her.

For a while, he was disappointed and sad.

Everyone thought that Concubine Zhang was finished and should beg the queen for mercy.

But she stood up from the ground, wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth, and cupped her hands to the queen with neither humbleness nor condescension: "Empress, there are still many sisters who have not finished their consultations, why don't we talk about them until the consultations are over."

Seeing her so calm, coupled with her calm courage, the queen felt a sense of guilt.

Yes, she is too impatient, there are still so many people who haven't finished checking.

She snorted coldly and said, "Then let's finish reading it first."

These women are not counted by one imperial physician, but by more than a dozen imperial physicians, and the confirmation is correct.

So even with a dozen imperial physicians present, it took a lot of time.

An hour later, three women knelt down in the hall.

Concubine Zhang is still calm and unhurried, she looks like she is not afraid of the shadow being crooked.

In contrast, the other two women were not calm, they were trembling with fright.

(End of this chapter)

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