Chapter 1172 Who Poisoned?
The queen stared at the three women in front of her, all of them were of a flowery age, and they were all as beautiful as a flower, but she didn't expect that her intentions were so vicious that she wanted to kill her offspring.

Of course, she herself came from this age, and she knew better than anyone else the bloody storm hidden in the back house, so she naturally understood why they did that.

She stared at the woman on the far left and asked, "What's your name?"

The girl looked a little young, about 34, [-], but she was born extremely beautiful.

But she had never seen such a big battle, her lips were blue and trembling with fright, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

After King Jin was in a daze, he answered for her.

"Mother's mother, it shouldn't be her. She just entered the mansion ten days ago. Didn't the doctor Cui say that the poisoning will show up. She entered the mansion not long ago, maybe she hasn't been poisoned yet, or the poisoning is not deep, so there is no symptom."

The queen was furious, and seeing her son dare to let some dubious women in, she was even more furious.

No wonder, why didn't she remember that there was such a small child, this petite personality, at first glance, it was not a good birth.

"Where did it come from?"

" was a gift from a friend of Erchen's."

"Who?" The empress refused to let her go, she had to take this opportunity to clean up those dubious people around her son.

"It's... the cousin of the Duke's Mansion, Jin Wei!" The queen didn't look right today, and King Jin didn't dare to provoke her.

"Hmph, this Jin Wei is getting more and more outrageous, Nanny Li, let him come into the palace to see me some other day."

Nanny Li replied yes.

The queen then turned her attention to the three kneeling people on the ground. Since King Jin helped explain, this little girl was excluded.

She was called to step aside.

These dubious women need to be dealt with, but not now.

The queen gave her a hard look, and continued to interrogate the remaining two women.

Concubine Zhang just asked about it. The Zhang family has a good relationship with the Duke's Mansion. The aunts and ladies in the family are all young ladies from the Zhang family.

And the ladies of the Duke's Mansion also married a few and went to the Zhang family, so the queen actually didn't want that person to be the side concubine Zhang.

If it's really her, then don't blame her for being ruthless.

Not to mention the Zhang family, even if it is the Duke's mansion, she will never forgive her if she dares to cut off her children and grandchildren.

"What about you, Mrs. Zuo, Zuo Honglin's daughter?"

This is also the person picked out by the queen herself, and she recognizes it.

Her father, Zuo Honglin, was a fourth-rank official, so he was somewhat valuable, so she chose this woman in the first place.

"I... I don't know, but I didn't poison you!" Mrs. Zuo was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she shouted for grievances.

"I don't know why it wasn't poisoned, but I really didn't inflict the poison."

"Did I say you poisoned it?" The queen's eyes widened, looking even more terrifying.

"You are so eager to admit it, maybe there is a ghost in your heart."

Mrs. Zuo shook her head in fright, and said, "'s not me, I don't usually go out, and I don't associate with you sisters, so I don't have the chance to poison you at all!"

At this time, Lin Qianqing stood up and said something for her.

"Queen, Mrs. Zuo is a low-key person, and she really doesn't go out usually. Poisoning so many people is not something she can do."

"Heh, how do you know it's not her? Then tell me why she wasn't poisoned?" The queen looked at Lin Qianqing mockingly.

(End of this chapter)

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