Chapter 1181 Borrowing Seeds
"That's right, if it's really life-threatening, Doctor Cui will definitely call us all in."

While talking, the door opened, and Doctor Cui came out profusely with sweat.

That appearance, seems to be ten years older.

The imperial physicians hurriedly stepped forward to ask him, "Is the queen all right?"

Doctor Cui shook his head and waved his hands, and said, "It's all right."

Nothing, why do you look like a dead mother?
"What happened?"

Doctor Cui continued to shake his head, as if he was going to kill him and not talk about it.

We have no choice but to not ask.

The queen didn't say to let them go, and they couldn't leave either, they could only stand in the yard and continue gossiping.

And in that hall, the queen was crying into tears, and the king of Jin stood silently, as if he hadn't reacted from the blow just now.

He was infertile, and it turned out that he was really infertile.

He had thought before that if he was infertile as a big man, he might as well die, but now that he was really infertile, he didn't seem to have the courage to die.

If he died, what would the queen mother do?He is the hope of the Duke's Mansion, so what about the hundreds of people in the Duke's Mansion?And what about Prince Jin's Mansion?
So he really can't die.

"Mother, don't cry. Since I can't have one, I will find a way to adopt one. Didn't the King of Qin give birth to two sons last year? I'll go and tell my father that the only one will be adopted."

"Shut up." The queen cursed, "I won't look at Sheng Qiaoyue's face even if I hit her head to death."

"But..." King Jin choked the remaining words in his throat.

He looked down on King Qin all his life, so why would he want to do this?

Even if he has no one to take care of him, he is not willing to find King Qin to adopt a son, but right now there is no other way?

"There is still a way." After crying enough, the queen gradually cheered up.

"What way?" Jin Wang hurriedly asked.

"The matter of your infertility cannot be known." The queen stared at King Jin with her scarlet eyes and gritted her teeth, "This matter will never be known, Imperial Doctor Cui... I dare not say it out of my palace's discretion. After this incident, I will find someone to silence it!"

The queen's eyes revealed a frenzied and terrifying look, which made King Jin tremble.

"Queen, what do you want to do?" King Jin asked with wide-eyed shock.

"You must have an heir, you must have a son." The queen's eyes became more and more crazy.

King Jin felt that something bad was about to happen, so he forced a wry smile and said, "But I can't..."

The queen took a deep breath and mustered up a lot of courage to say those words.

"It's okay, the queen mother will borrow seeds for you..."

With a bang, King Jin lost his balance and fell to the ground.

He looked at the queen in shock, his face full of disbelief.


How to borrow?
"No... Queen Mother, you must be joking with Erchen, right?"

"The queen mother didn't joke with you." The queen was heartbroken, she stood up from the stool, and reached out to help King Jin.

"My son is suffering, don't be afraid, mother can do everything for you, it doesn't matter if you can't give birth, we can..."

"No, no!" King Jin roared loudly.

King Jin's voice was so loud that everyone outside heard it.

Everyone stopped whispering, and there was no sound from the room again.

"What's the matter? King Jin is so loud?"

And in that room, the queen only felt that she was full of bitterness.

She doesn't want to do this either, but what can I do?
Jin Wang can't bear children, so the throne must not have Jin Wang's share.

(End of this chapter)

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