It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1182 Conditions for King Jin

Chapter 1182 Conditions for King Jin

Her efforts for so many years have been in vain, those ministers who supported King Jin will immediately stay away from them, and she can almost predict the future decline of Prince Jin's mansion.

She doesn't allow this to happen.

"This is the only way to keep you." The queen cried: "You are not an ordinary person, you are the king of Jin, the future prince and emperor. Since you were born, you have become the hope of many people. The government supports it Our mother and son have put all their hopes on you for many years. If you don’t do this, how can you be worthy of them? They are also your relatives, can you disregard their lives?”

King Jin's dark eyes were filled with tears. He is the queen's son, and he has been the most noble person ever since he was born.He never cried in his life.In his memory, he had never cried, but at this moment he was crying like a child.


That is for him to watch his women have sex with other men, and then give birth to a son for him to raise.

Want him to put on a cuckold for himself?

It is impossible for a man to agree.

But the queen was still crying in front of him and persecuting him.

"Since you are all my relatives, why can't you think about me? The world is so big, and I am not the only infertile man. Why should I endure borrowing seeds?"

"We can't just focus on ourselves, we are not ordinary people, we are not alone. Xiao Ran, since you were born, you are different from ordinary people, you have to bear things that ordinary people cannot bear, do you understand?"

Every word the queen said hit King Jin's heart, and at the same time, his heart was riddled with holes.

For a mother who can do such a thing to her son, there is probably no one else who can do it except her.

Outsiders will only say that her mother is cruel and heartless, but who knows the pain in her heart.

Seeing that the queen had made up her mind, King Jin gradually gave up struggling and sat down on the ground.

After a long silence, he asked in a trembling voice: "Did you plan long ago, if I am really infertile, you will..."

The queen's face was full of tears, and said: "Mother, there is no way, Xiao Ran!"

She comforted her son like an ordinary mother.

"If this gets out, how will you let me live?" King Jin's eyes gradually lost their color, and gradually turned into a lifeless gray-white.

The queen shook her head and said: "No, Xiao Ran, no one will know. The queen mother will definitely do this perfectly, no one will know."

The Queen tried her best to assure him.

There was another long silence, and after a long time, King Jin's voice was heard again.

"In this case... then you have made arrangements, queen mother."

"Okay!" The queen cried bitterly, covering her mouth.

"But I have one condition." King Jin said suddenly.

"You said, the queen mother will definitely agree to you." The queen said.

"Anyone is fine, but the princess cannot be allowed... Qian Qing cannot be allowed to go."

The queen's face changed, and she said: "She is the concubine, if the child is born by her..."

"No, she can't." Jin Wang was extremely firm, and said: "She is the wife I am marrying, and she is my last dignity as a man. I can treat other women as gifts for others, or sell them off. Get out. But have you ever seen someone sell or give away his wife?"

The queen was dumbfounded, and nodded slightly after a while.

"Okay, I promise you."


(End of this chapter)

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