It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1183 Several major events happened in the capital

Chapter 1183 Several major events happened in the capital

There were several major events in the capital, one of which was the poisoning of Concubine Zhang, which soon spread throughout the streets and alleys of the capital, and no one knew about it.

There has been no news of a pregnant woman in the Prince Jin's Mansion because one of King Jin's side concubines was so cruel that she poisoned all the women in the Prince Jin's Mansion in order to give birth to her first son.

This woman was the most popular in the capital at the beginning, the most talented woman of Prime Minister Zhang's family, and the woman who was highly praised by the master in the women's school.

The famous ladies in the capital city in the past have become poisonous women who are shouted and beaten by everyone today. This has to make people sigh, the world is impermanent and good fortune tricks people!
Concubine Zhang was handed over to the Ministry of Punishment, and Mrs. Zhang confessed quickly.

Mrs. Zhang was also arrested. Under heavy pressure, she never confessed to anyone else and confessed all the guilt. After that, she died in prison.

Concubine Zhang was sentenced to death. She committed such a serious crime and was supposed to be executed in the street.

But because she was married to the royal family after all, it would not look good to be executed in the street, so she should be locked up in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment and executed by the jailer.

The Zhang family, which used to be domineering and domineering, has become very low-key. Prime Minister Zhang said he was sick, and he was no longer in the court.

Because Mrs. Zhang pleaded guilty to all the crimes by herself, Prime Minister Zhang was only demoted by one level of official position, from Zuo Chengxiang of the first rank to Zuo Cheng of the second rank, and he himself was not affected much.

However, because of this incident, it is certain that the Duke's Mansion, which has a good relationship with the Zhang family, will leave a gap, but it is not known how big the gap will be.

All of this will not be known until Zhang Cheng returns to court.

The second major event in the capital is the birth of the eldest son of the eldest son by the eldest concubine. This is the first grandson of the royal family, and he is much more noble than the twin sons of King Qin.

The emperor personally named him Jin Xuyao.

When the sun rises, the day of Yao and Shun.

The meaning of the emperor is already very clear, Yao is the meaning of the king, this child, does the emperor want him to be the son of heaven? ?

This made Jinwang Yidang feel invisible pressure.

Jin Wang obviously got married first, but because of a poisonous woman in Jin Wang's mansion, now he has no heirs.

Especially those whose families have daughters married into Prince Jin's mansion wished to drag Zhang Cheng out and beat him up, but he was not around.

Envy, jealousy and hatred are useless now, I just hope that the First Prince and Concubine can use this book to save those poor women.

You know, if this woman can't bear children, her whole life will be over.

The third matter is actually not a major event, but it can be regarded as gossip after dinner.

It has always been interesting for the noble ladies in the back house to explain the affairs of the adults' back houses.

"Although Mr. Xie is dead, he left a seed. That kind is still in Miss Du's stomach!"

"Didn't they reconcile? Why did everyone die and another son appeared?"

"Hey, Master Renjie said, it was an awkward quarrel, and I have been angry for several years, can't I let them get back together?"

"Hey! Young people nowadays, don't understand, don't understand."

"But now that Second Young Master Xie is dead, it's better to be awkward all the time. How pitiful is this Miss Du? And that child who hasn't even seen his father."

The fourth one is embarrassing.

That was the sudden death of Imperial Physician Cui, the most skilled doctor in the Imperial Hospital.

He was too unlucky, he was supposed to go to Jinxiu City for a medical consultation.

An old friend of his in Jinxiu City fell ill and was seriously ill. The local doctor was at a loss what to do, so he sent someone to the capital to invite him to Jinxiu City. Unexpectedly, there was an accident in the carriage on the way. The drivers who drove the horses were all dead.


(End of this chapter)

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