Chapter 1185 Have grown so big?
"Miss, don't worry, don't be angry. Fortunately, the little slut of the Zhang family didn't end well and died terribly. The poison on your body will definitely be cured. Miss Biao is so powerful, isn't she? You I will definitely give birth to a big fat boy..."

"Xiang Toon, shut up!" Lin Qianqing couldn't listen any longer, and said, "You're nagging more and more, do you want to get married too?"

"Ah...?" Xiang Toon's eyes widened, and suddenly blushed again, and said: "Miss, what are you talking about, Xiang Toon is the maid that the old lady pointed out to Miss Biao, so she never gets married."

"Then you have so many things to do? Take care of my childbirth."

Now Xiang Toon didn't dare to speak anymore, so he just led Lin Qianqing into the house honestly.

The earth dragon in Gu Youyou's warm pavilion is burning vigorously, and the weather is not too cold now, plus this earth dragon, as soon as it enters the room, it will rush towards your face with heat.

Lin Qianqing took off her coat and said, "Cousin, are you still burning such a prosperous earth dragon in this weather?"

Gu Youyou came out of the back room. She was only wearing thin spring clothes, which were pajamas that Lin Qianqing had never seen before.Her hair was only gently pulled up and slung over her shoulders, making her look a little more lazy and charming.

"I'm confinement, and there are children in the house, so I can't compare to you." Gu Youyou said with a faint smile.

Xiang Toon winked at the side, and thought: Missy came to you because of infertility, you are good, and you use the child as an issue, isn't this stabbing someone's heart with a knife?

However, she was wrong, Lin Qianqing was not angry, and Gu Youyou also knew that she would not be angry because of this.

She can't wait to have no children!
"It's really different after having a baby. I'll go see the little grandson first."

Lin Qianqing threw the coat she took off to Xiang Toon, and with a bit of excitement, she walked briskly towards the inner room.

When passing by Gu Youyou, she squeezed her waist in a wicked way, and said, "Sure enough, the queen has always thought that you used some means to find a surrogate."

Gu Youyou gritted her teeth and said, "Are you making fun of me gaining weight?"

Lin Qianqing smiled and said, "It's better to be fatter, to show off your dignity!"

At this time, the aesthetics is not that the thinner the better, but the beauty of being slightly fat and fair.

Gu Youyou, who just gave birth to a child, and Yue Lizi tonic, now she is a person in the fat world.

It's just that others think that the longer she grows, the more charming she becomes, but she can't accept it.

Anyway, she has decided that she will start to lose weight after confinement, and keep her body shape in a state that she is satisfied with.

Children in confinement usually eat and sleep, and eat after sleeping.Jin Xuyao ​​is a good player. In his life, the only big things in the past two years are eating and sleeping.

He was only born more than ten days ago, and his eyebrows and eyes have already grown, unlike the wrinkled ones when he was just born, his skin is plump and fair. When he opened his eyes, those eyes were the iconic star pupils of a man from the Jin family.

Lin Qianqing sat on the edge of the small bed, staring at the little guy who was sleeping soundly, her eyes flickering with surprise.

"It's so small, and it's still soft." She reached out and pinched Jin Xuyao's face.

Gu Youyou hurriedly pulled her hand back, and said, "Don't wake me up, or I'll have to eat again. I was sucked up by him just now, and I haven't returned the milk yet."

"Ah...?" Lin Qianqing looked at Gu Youyou's... Shuangfeng in surprise.The thin open-neck pajamas couldn't cover Gu Youyou's proud bust at all, but made them look like they were about to come out.

"Yeah? How big is it?"

Gu Youyou: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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