Chapter 1186 Song Lianjun ran away

"Didn't you say you just got sucked out? How big is it?" She really wanted to poke it.

Gu Youyou patted her claws away, supported her forehead and said, "Be serious and talk about your business."

Glancing at his sleeping son, he said, "Go, let's go out and talk."

When he wakes up, she won't be able to do things properly.

"Why don't you hire a nanny?" Lin Qianqing was surprised that Gu Youyou actually breastfeed by herself. In her impression, the big and respectable families who didn't have their own mothers and children always asked a nanny to feed them.

Gu Youyou is so rich, she can't afford to hire a nanny, right?
Gu Youyou said: "The nanny's milk is not only feeding this one child, it's not nutritious, how can it compare to mine?"

Lin Qianqing felt that it was better for her to speak less when it comes to professional knowledge.

Just like this nanny's mother and Gu Youyou's milk, aren't they both milk to her?Is it good or bad?
Moreover, those professional nannies have an astonishing amount of milk, and it is no problem for one person to breastfeed several children. Such a nannie is eagerly sought after by big families, and it seems that Gu Youyou is the type who is disliked here.

Lin Qianqing sneered, and decided to turn the page and talk to her about business.

"Cousin, you should know everything about me. The queen is watching, so I have to come this time."

Gu Youyou sighed softly, pulled her arm up and put it on the table, gently put it on her veins, and said: "The queen has to come whether you want to stare at you, being a mother is your business alone, Nothing to do with them."

Gu Youyou looked at it for a while, then called Xiang Toon to call Circe.

Gu Youyou is not good at all kinds of poisons used by ancient people, but there is an ancestor poison doctor living in her family.

The Circe family are all kinds of poison doctors, and she knows a lot about some common and uncommon poisons.

"When your body recovers, you can have a good time with King Jin. Sometimes, you have to succumb to fate."

Gu Youyou has been here in ancient times for so many years, what else can't she see?She knew that her cousin seemed to give up on the surface, but there was always a rebellion deep down in her heart.

But she is not alone, she has the Lin family behind her, even if it is not for herself, she should live a good life just to make her grandmother and aunt feel at ease.

And she had to admit that in this day and age, children are everything.

You can't have children, no matter how awesome your natal family is, your life will be difficult.

Besides, Lin Shenxing was not Lin Qianqing's younger brother who was born in the same mother. After the death of her uncle and aunt, whether the Lin family could fully support Lin Qianqing was a matter of debate.

Lin Qianqing nodded slightly, perhaps thinking of some sad things, she turned her head secretly, and wiped away a drop of tear from the corner of her eye.

Circe is good at detoxification, Gu Youyou only chatted with Lin Qianqing for a while, and then let her go with Circe.

On the other side, Jin Zijin had already arrived at Sanqing Temple.

"Why did she run away?" Jin Zijin frowned.

Yue Rujing said: "I have been using the Ruanjin powder that Circe gave her all the time. Counting the days, I should use it again today, but when I took the medicine to look at it this morning, I found that she had already run away. .”

Jin Zijin walked around in a dilapidated room, picked up the broken rope, and frowned.

"It was caused by internal force. She doesn't look like she has been hit by a soft tendon."

Yue Rujing immediately raised her hand, "I swear, she was really hit."

Jin Zijin waved his hand and said, "I know you gave her medicine, but the medicine should have passed its effect."

(End of this chapter)

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