It is not easy to be a son-in-law of the farm gate

Chapter 1189 Fortunately, I killed her

Chapter 1189 Fortunately, I killed her
On the other side, Jin Zijin personally sent Song Lianjun back to a remote courtyard, and the maid who led the way said that this courtyard was where Song Lianjun lived before.

The courtyard remained the same as when she left. A pair of half-burned red candles were still in the house, and no one cleaned them up.

The bed was also covered with a red brocade quilt.

Song Lianjun blushed as she knelt slightly to Jin Zijin and said, "The eldest prince has never come back, so Lianjun has kept the house as a bridal chamber, thinking that one day the eldest prince will come back, and then..."

Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly saw a red dagger drawn towards her.

Song Lianjun's face was startled, she is a well-trained dead soldier, and has always been sensitive to danger, so when she saw the sharp blade stabbing herself, she quickly dodged.

It's just that Jin Zijin shot, how could she avoid it so easily.

When she dodged, she only avoided the vital point, but the armpit on the side of the heart was still bloody from the dagger.

"Why...why?" Song Lianjun looked at Jin Zijin in disbelief as she looked at the bright red blood flowing from her.

Jin Zijin said indifferently: "If you are a dead man, you are unqualified."

"I..." Song Lianjun suddenly felt that something was wrong with the wound, why was it so hot besides the pain?
It was as if there was a ball of fire that was going to burn into her heart along the wound.

Jin Zijin's eyes were cold, like an ice cave that had been frozen for thousands of years.

In the coldness, there is a hint of irony.

"Mission failure is death, do you need a reason?"

Song Lianjun's face was horrified, and when she saw Jin Zijin, it was as if she saw another person.

She forgot that his gentle smile earlier was for Gu Youyou, and had nothing to do with her.

And in his bones, is he a person full of hostility.

" want to kill me?" Song Lianjun said incredulously, then shook his head and said: "No, you can't kill me, everyone is watching, seeing that you brought me in, I am your woman... "

When Jin Zijin heard the last sentence, he seemed to have been greatly insulted, so he stopped talking nonsense to her and ended her life with a knife.

Looking at Song Lianjun who was lying in a pool of blood and stared wide-eyed unwillingly, he only said indifferently: "To kill you, I just need a reason, and I happen to have a reason."

Jin Zijin took out a white handkerchief, wiped the blood off the dagger with it, stepped over the corpse, and walked out of the yard.

He said to the two guards: "Go in and bring the people inside, and enter the palace with me."

"Your Highness...?"

The two guards heard the commotion inside, and they were staring wide-eyed at the moment.

I wanted to say something, but Jin Zijin had already left.

They had no choice but to obey his arrangement, and carried Song Lianjun's body, ready to enter the palace.

"Hey! Is this really good? Kill someone and bring him into the palace."

"Never mind him, let's just do business."

Gu Youyou was thinking about how to deal with that woman, when she saw that Jin Zijin had already returned.

She straightened her face and said, "What? Didn't you go to accompany your new wife?"

"Oh, are you jealous?" Jin Zijin teased a bit, then became serious again, and said, "These people are desperate, I can't let her have a chance to harm you and Xu Yao, so I simply killed her." her."

"Kill...huh?" The painting style turned too fast, and Gu Youyou couldn't react for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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