Chapter 1188
Someone came to take Jin Zijin's horse away, he looked at the strange woman kneeling in front of him and took two steps back in disgust, spared her and entered the main entrance, leaving a word.

"Bring her in."

The people around were pointing and pointing, and most of them were puzzled, not knowing what was going on.

Gu Youyou's name is well-known among ordinary people. As a commoner, she married into the royal family. With her own strength, she defeated those talented ladies.

She has a good heart, and when she makes money, she doesn't forget to use it to provide disaster relief when the people are in trouble, and she also gives food and grass during wars.

With all kinds of legends about her, she has become a model for ordinary people to counterattack.

But what about this woman who popped up out of nowhere?

Also said that he was a concubine in the eldest prince's mansion, and was bullied by Gu Youyou?

Gu Youyou's fans said that this concubine must be ignorant and did something she shouldn't have done to annoy their idol, she deserved it.

Standing in the yard, Gu Youyou saw Jin Zijin coming in with a bad complexion, followed by the timid Song Lianjun.

Song Lianjun looked at Gu Youyou through Jin Zijin's back, and gave her a meaningful smile.

Although her move failed to win the support of the public, it did not arouse the sympathy of the people who eat melons.

But everyone saw that she followed Jin Zijin into the First Prince's Mansion, but let everyone know that there was a concubine like her in the First Prince's Mansion, and they dared not do anything to her easily.

As long as she can stay well, she feels that she will have a lot of time to deal with Gu Youyou slowly.

Gu Youyou's face was livid with anger, and said, "Why did you let her in?"

Song Lianjun followed behind Gu Youyou, bowing and saluting with a smile on her face.

"The eldest princess is well!"

well?Take care of your sister.

Gu Youyou stared at Jin Zijin angrily, waiting for his explanation.

Jin Zijin just looked at Gu Youyou and sighed softly, "Why did you come out? It's so windy outside, go in quickly."

Get in the fart.

Gu Youyou asked anxiously: "What should I do with her? You won't really bring her home, will you?"

"I'll take care of it, go back first, be obedient." Jin Zijin said to her gently, the faint smile on his mouth, the smile he raised, was like the warm sun on a sunny day in March in Yangchun.

This made Song Lianjun feel hot and envious.

As a dead soldier, she has no right to refuse the task, but she accepted this task willingly.

For such a man, she would be willing even to be his concubine.

At this time, Xiang Toon followed up with a scarf, and she was very angry when she saw this situation.

But in her mind, no matter how angry you are, you have to sit the confinement properly. If the confinement is not well seated, it will be troublesome if something happens to the root of the disease.

She persuaded Gu Youyou: "Go back first, if you want to get angry, we have to take care of our health before we talk about it."

Gu Youyou still believed in Jin Zijin, but she didn't like Song Lianjun's face of a small person who succeeded. At this moment, she was staring at herself with a provocative smile.

Well, you laugh, see how long you can laugh.

Gu Youyou thought that Circe's plan to punish her would be useful.

"Okay, take your time." After finishing speaking, she threw a self-seeking smile at Song Lianjun, and turned back to her yard.

"Tell Circe, Song Lianjun has come back." Back in the Nuan Pavilion, Gu Youyou smiled lightly at Xiang Toon.

Right now, Circe is preparing an antidote for Lin Qianqing, and it seems like it would be nice to give her some fun in her spare time.

(End of this chapter)

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