Chapter 1198 Denounce Yujizi

In order to achieve his ulterior purpose, he also set up a bureau to confuse the court, instigated the rebellion of the three kings, and thus included the three kings and their sons.

And his purpose is just to get the son of the Three Kings.

Because Jin Ziyuan is exactly the pure yin male body that he has been looking for for many years...

Of course, the crimes are not limited to these, including pushing the boat along the way, setting up the imperial physician Zhou's family, causing the imperial physician Zhou to die tragically in a foreign country, etc.

Huo Li read out a thick dozen crimes, and it took more than an hour to finish reading.

The people below were stunned.

Because this meeting is not only for people from Taoism, but also people in the officialdom, people sent by the emperor, and ordinary people.

They didn't set up a card for anyone, as long as they wanted to see and listen, they could come.

But what Huo Li read out was not just an internal problem of Taoism.

It involved a lot, ordinary people, from the court, to the massacre of extermination, involved a lot.

Of course, everyone wouldn't just listen to Huo Li's mouth.

Is it what he said?

Dissatisfied Xuanzong disciples stood up and retorted on the spot: "Huo Li, you have been adopted by your master since you were a child and raised you. Now that master's life and death are unknown, are you so impatient to replace him? There are so many charges, how are you at ease?"

Huo Li looked at the aggrieved younger brother indifferently and said, "I'm just talking about the matter. Master's kindness in nurturing is in my heart, but I am also a student of Taoism. I want to be worthy of Master and Sanqing. , worthy of their beliefs.

Blindly worshiping and repaying kindness, can we forget those oaths we made when we joined Taoism and under the statue of Sanqing God?

Those victims come into my dreams every night and make me restless. What they want is justice, and they cannot rest in peace.

And their family members, it's not that they are dead, the families of the victims can come out from crying.

They need justice.

Even if Huo Li doesn't come to do this today, I believe there are still countless juniors who will stand up and do this, because we have faith in our hearts, and we must live up to the oath under the statue of Sanqing.

I know that if I stand up today, I will be called ungrateful, or even worse.But I don't regret it, I am the first to stand up if I have the courage, so I am not afraid of your scolding..."

Huo Li forcefully explained the set of truths, and the moon in the audience was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Not only did he speak out, but also the family members of the victim, he had all the witnesses and material evidence, so that those who resisted him had no way to refute.

Yue Rujing whispered to Jin Zijin: "Oh, Huo Li still has such eloquence, I wouldn't be able to tell if it was changed."

"You can't judge by appearance!" Jin Zijin said, "He has prepared well for today, and he has already memorized this set of words by heart."

"Have you got a good back?" Yue Rujing was surprised.

Jin Zijin said with a smile: "Look, he can answer every question fluently and answer every question. If Huo Li had such ability, Yu Jizi wouldn't pick him."

"Hey, let me just say, why does it feel like he's talking like he's reciting a book, he's slipping away!"

The Taoist dismissed Yu Jizi from the post of national teacher, and announced to Quan Zhuzhao that from now on, Daozong would no longer have the position of national teacher, and Xuanzong and Tianzong would no longer fight for the position of national teacher. flow.

(End of this chapter)

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