Chapter 1199 Find out the old case

And Xuanzong will be temporarily ruled by Huo Li. He thinks that he is also guilty of serious crimes, and he just wants to be with Sanqing and end the rest of his life.

When everyone chooses the right person to rule Xuanzong, he will immediately hand over power.

And those forces that were withdrawn secretly also gradually retreated to Qishan, the foundation of Taoism.

As for Tianzong, Yue Rujing took care of it. He said that Tianshi had previously intended to train Tianzong's successor. Besides the big brother Jin Zijin, there was another one, but it is not convenient to disclose it for the time being.

The internal affairs of Taoism have already been arranged by them, what is missing is such an opportunity to announce to the world, now everything that needs to be said has been clearly stated, and what needs to be arranged has also been arranged. At least in the eyes of outsiders, Taoism is considered calm.

However, it was miserable for the people and the court, because the Taoist condemnation of Yu Jizi caused an uproar.

The three kings and the party are almost dead, and those who escaped can't make a fortune. Although this matter is the biggest, there is nothing to talk about now.

it's already over.

The big deal is to search for the descendants of the anti-kings back then, to see if any are still alive, and to appease them.

After all, it's a family, it's because they provoked it to the point of life and death.

Compared with the mutiny against the king, another thing is bigger.

That was the story of the extermination of Dr. Zhou's family in the Tai Hospital.

He was originally charged with murdering the emperor's heir, and his whole family and the former Concubine Yugui were all executed. However, after the meeting of the Humaneists, the iron-clad evidence in hand showed that he was wronged, and so was Concubine Yugui. It's just a bureau set up by the harem to fight for favor.

What's even worse is that the Taoist evidence can prove that Concubine Yu Gui was wronged, and Zhou Taiyi was also wronged, but they didn't clearly specify who the real sinner was, and the words were ambiguous, which made all the ministers guess wildly.

No, they dare to guess wildly, but they dare not speak nonsense.

Because there seemed to be a slight hint that the culprit was the queen, and it was the queen who was behind everything.

Don't look at the queen being locked up in the court by the emperor at the moment, but the protector is still standing in the court hall.

Some things are easy to say, but there is no real evidence to prove that the empress did it, so just wait for the protector to bite you back.

If you bite him, you may not be able to bite him, but if he bites you, he will surely hit you with every bite.

Most people don't want to mess with that old fox.

Especially after so many years of unsolved cases, where do you go to find that evidence?
Everyone looked at me and I looked at yours, but none of them could say a useful word.

The emperor asked indifferently: "Don't all the ministers have anything to say? Just let Concubine Yu and Zhou Taiyi's family bear the crime?"

No one dared to say anything, but Duke Hu stood up and said: "Since it is false that Concubine Yugui conspired with the Imperial Physician Zhou to murder Concubine Jiang Shu, then the old minister thinks that Concubine Jiang Shu has a big problem. The old minister has the courage to ask the emperor to return to the capital to assist Jiang Ge." Investigate this."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Cheng, who had been having trouble with him recently, spoke up.

"Duke Protector, you can't be too ruthless. Let's leave a way out for others. Concubine Jiang Shu died in her pregnancy, and his father, Mr. Jiang Ge, resigned from office and returned to his hometown in great grief.

When his daughter died, he just wanted to go home and raise her old age. You said he framed Concubine Yu and Imperial Physician Zhou, what was he trying to do?Could it be that he wants his daughter to die, and he will not live in peace when he grows old?

Hmph, I see, after the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole, someone killed two birds with one stone. "

(End of this chapter)

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