Chapter 1200

"You..." Duke Hu pointed at Zhang Cheng and said angrily, "What are you talking about? You must pay attention to evidence in everything. If you talk nonsense again, this old man will slander you."

"Hey, I'm so afraid of your slander. You have conclusive evidence of what happened back then. It proved that Concubine Yugui was jealous and deliberately collaborated with Zhou Taiyi to kill Concubine Jiang Shu who was pregnant. But now? Is the Taoist evidence again? Is it fake?"

"You...then you can't conclude that Concubine Jiang Shu is innocent." The Lord Protector said angrily: "The old minister has the courage to go up and ask the emperor to investigate this matter clearly."

The ministers who supported the Duke immediately said in a neat voice: "Please investigate this matter clearly, Your Majesty."

But check?It's so easy to say, but after so many years, where can I look it up?
Xie Huanzhi stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think that after so many years, it is meaningless to investigate further. The most important thing right now is to restore the reputation of Concubine Yugui and Zhou Taiyi's family, to restore their innocence, and to let them Peace of mind for the living, rest in peace for the dead.”

"That's right, Your Majesty, Concubine Yu's family members have all been demoted because of this incident. Your Majesty should issue an imperial decree to bring them back to their posts!"

Zhang Cheng stared at Duke Hu Guo meaningfully and smiled, and said: "Of course, the real culprit must not be let go. After so many years, it is naturally difficult to investigate. You can let people check slowly. The most important thing is to bring the wronged members of the Yu family back to the capital."

"Oh, it's a pity that there are no more living people in Dr. Zhou's house."


Gu Youyou sat on the wicker chair in front of the window and looked at the ledger sent by Qingshui Town. Among the ledger, there was a letter from Qin Changlin.

The injustice case of Dr. Zhou's family was settled, the emperor ordered him to have his name corrected, the apprentices he took in, and the fact that he escaped from the capital with the help of the state teacher and concealed his name in Qingshui Town were also exposed.

Since Dr. Zhou had no son alive, Yuan Cheng was rescued by him and kept by his side since he was a child. Yuan Cheng became Dr. Zhou's descendant and was named Zhou Yuancheng.

Now that he is studying hard and earning fame, the honor of Dr. Zhou will also fall on him.

Gu Youyou wrote back to Qin Changlin, teasing him if he was jealous, or if he also changed the letter and changed his name to Zhou Changlin, maybe he could take over Doctor Zhou's job before his death and come to the palace as an imperial physician.

After writing the letter, she sealed it in the ledger.

Jin Zijin was playing around with little Xuyao ​​not far away. The little baby didn't understand anything, lying in a wooden cradle and looking at him, the blank eyes probably looked like crazy.

This is all due to him, otherwise Master's grievances may never be cleared.

Gu Youyou looked at him in a daze, walked over after a while, and laughed at him: "Why are you acting like a big child? If you have such leisure, why don't you make some small toys and hang them on its cradle."

But Jin Zijin insisted: "He understands, you see, he likes me more than you now. Come on, son, look at Dad."

Jin Xuyao ​​really seemed to understand, turned his small face to the side, and stared at Jin Zijin intently.

Gu Youyou snorted disdainfully, and said, "For him, having milk is a mother, it's up to me."

Then she lifted up the specially-made clothes and exposed her son's food. The son's eyes were immediately attracted by his food, and he stretched out his little hands and laughed, wanting to hug and breastfeed.

Jin Zijin's face turned dark instantly, he broke her body, put down the clothes for her, stared at Jin Xuyao ​​seriously and said: "This is my wife, put away your lewd eyes, you boy, be careful A bit."

(End of this chapter)

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